Chun-Li vs Blaze Fielding (Street Fighter vs Streets of Rage)
Chun-Li, Street Fighter’s strongest woman in the world!
Blaze Fielding, Wood Oak City’s hot-blooded protector from Streets of Rage!
Originally regular police officers, these women’s lives were forever changed when they discovered the corrupt organizations manipulating things from behind the scenes. Unable to trust even the organizations they worked for, they struck out on their own, banding together with other like-minded warriors for the sole purpose of cutting off the corruption and taking out its head honcho. No matter what form it takes or whoever’s in their way, these headstrong ladies will do everything they can to take it down! But what happens when they face off against each other? Will Blaze fall to the power of Chun-Li’s legendary legs, or will Blaze’s ruthless pursuit for justice leave the Interpol officer burnt out? Let’s find out who will prove themselves the champion of this DEATH BATTLE!
Before we begin
This blog will be analyzing a soft composite version of both characters. For Chun-Li, we’ll be analyzing the Street Fighter games and UDON comics, while Blaze will be getting the Streets of Rage games and their comic adaptations from Fleetway Editions.Background
Raised by her father in China, Chun-Li’s life was molded at a young age when she saw Peking Opera and Bruce Lee movies at a young age. Fascinated by the graceful movements she saw, Chun-Li began training in Tai Chi, as well as other Chinese martial arts like Hongquan. She’d use this knowledge to develop her own style combining her preexisting training with the movements of capoeira, karate, and taekwondo. After her father mysteriously disappeared, an 18 year old Chun-Li decided to follow in his footsteps by becoming a detective at Interpol. Her time as a narcotics officer would eventually lead to an investigation into the crime syndicate Shadaloo and its leader, M. Bison. When she and the dictator finally met face to face, she discovered that he was the one that killed her father.
Though this made her more determined than ever to take down Shadaloo than ever, her efforts would be impeded by her superiors, many of whom were actually under Shadaloo’s payroll! Realizing she couldn’t continue her investigation under Interpol’s supervision, Chun-Li teamed up with Air Force members Charlie Nash and Guile, as well as other fighters Bison had manipulated like Ryu and Cammy, with the sole purpose of dismantling Shadaloo. While Charlie was (seemingly) killed, their combined efforts paid off and Bison, refusing to let himself be captured, killed himself in a massive suicidal explosion.
Unfortunately, Bison wouldn’t stay dead as he transferred his soul into one of his many copy bodies. Once she learned about this, Chun-Li and her partners continued their battle with Shadaloo and its newly established weapons division S.I.N., including one of its operatives, Juri. After suffering a particularly brutal defeat, Chun-Li bounced back and aided in the dismantling of S.I.N and the fall of Shadaloo, even adopting a young girl they had kidnapped named Li-Fen.
Now acting as Li-Fen’s older sister, Chun-Li would go into retirement and become a martial arts instructor in Metro City. Using her knowledge and discipline in martial arts, she began training the next generation, while also working to uncover any evils lurking in the shadows.
Blaze focuses on enacting true justice alongside her friends Axel Stone and Adam Hunter, to the point she quit the police force due to the massive spread of corruption being visible in Wood Oak City. She played the role of the “female brawler” in the group, brutally beating her opponents senselessly, sometimes even leaving them bloodied all to find the mad man behind these events with Judo & Taekwondo techniques with Acrobatics due to her vocal love of dance and taking dance classes. While being very vocal of her dislikes towards perverted people and getting defeated. In Streets of Rage 4, it was revealed she was expelled from the police force after rejoining in Streets of Rage 3 due to refusing to take anger management classes and having an argument with her commissioner, leading to her assaulting him.
Battle after battle, the one behind the corruption in the city was Mr. X, a well-known crime boss of the syndicate composed of the deadliest thugs and fighters from all over the world. Made with advanced technology, creating robots that battle with spike balls, lasers, and firearms, even recreations of himself or even Axel. Mr.X is the one iconically known as terrorizing Wood Oak.
Even after a year had passed since his first defeat in Streets of Rage 1, he was still up to his old tricks. In the meantime, Blaze had already moved out of the city and became a dance teacher, only to discover Adam had been kidnapped by Mr. X, being told by Adam’s brother Skate (also known as Eddie/Sammy in other places around the world). She also met Max Thunder, a well-known professional wrestler and a friend of Axel; however, in the comics, he was originally on the police force as well before quitting also due to corruption. As expected, they defeated Mr. X, finding him isolated in one of his islands, living in a skyscraper, freeing Adam and saving the day once again. Once again, this was sadly short lived.
After joining once again with the police force alongside Axel, now knowing the force was temporarily free of corruption, they were put on a case. Someone had created a dangerous explosive element known as “Rakushin” that exploded a portion of Wood Oak City; she and Axel expected that the Syndicate was once again behind these heinous actions. The Syndicate’s plan was to kidnap and replace well-known politicians and generals and replace them with robot copies of them while building up firepower (via Rakushin).
Blaze, alongside her friends, and with the new assistance in the form of Dr. Zan, a well-known scientist who worked with Mr. X and his plans before uncovering the truth behind all of this, defeated Mr. X, who was reduced to a brain at this point in time but battled til the end in the form of his strongest robot. When faced with defeat for the last time, Mr. X planned on blowing up the base. He set foot in an attempt to kill the Streets of Rage crew, but luckily they escaped by finding an exit and by virtue of Adam coming in with a helicopter.
The USA version of Streets of Rage 3 changed up this story a bit, claiming Blaze had become a “private detective” after having met Dr.Zan and was informed of their next victim being the police chief. She calls up Axel, who is now a martial arts sensei. As expected, these changes caused a lot more contradictions to the story. Old habits die hard, as once she heard the Syndicate was returning many years later, after now working as a dance instructor, she made immediate contact with her old friend Axel, but she now gained new help in the form of Floyd, an assistant to Dr. Zan and Cherry Hunter, Adam’s daughter. Finding out the leaders behind the new Syndicate were Mr. X’s kids defeated them effortlessly, sending them to prison and now they live a peaceful life. Who knows how long that’s going to last?
Experience, Intelligence, and Skill
Martial Arts Mastery
Chun-Li has trained in various Chinese martial arts and several other fighting styles. She was trained by her father in Tai Chi at the age of 5 and later mentored under the assassin Gen, who considers her his prize student. She’s defeated five martial artists at once, and won battles against Cammy, Juni, and Juli, who were all considered Bison’s elite assassins. The Udon comics further expanded on her mastery by having her complete her training with Gen and learn his final techniques that took him a lifetime to master.
Martial Arts Mastery
Blaze is naturally exceptional in hand to hand combat. She’s formally taught in Judo and other eastern Martial Arts but her visual combat skills in Streets of Rage 4 showcases some Taekwondo as well now. She’s also fluent in dance and has faced opponents of multiple fighting styles at the expert level (Acrobatics, Boxing, Wrestling, Thai Boxing, Krav Maga, Kempo, Aikijutusu, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, Kick-Boxing, Ninjutsu, Samurai, Karate) as well as enemies weapons and force fields, even enemies specifically tailored to defeat her and her group, and won. For a visual display for all of Blaze’s fighting techniques, she currently has honed and further her skills thanks to fighting in VR battle systems entirely based on enemies recalled from Mr.X’s brain.
Weapon Mastery
As seen above, Blaze is an expert at using combat oriented weapons (these are even created by her own energy). Being a former police officier, this would also mean Blaze has undergone physical training and obtained good marksmanship and defensive strategic tactics. However, her skill with weapons does not end here as Blaze is a master with the following weapons:
- Knives, katanas, kunais, shurikens, pugil sticks, tonfas, Chinese swords, combat knives, boomerangs, naginatas, sais, and maces
A standard issue firearm for police officers. Chun-Li keeps it at her side but doesn’t use it often.
As a beat-em-up protagonist, Blaze can naturally pick up and weaponize anything she can pick off the street, from glass bottles to baseball bats, pipes, swords, spears, and experimental vials. Even fish and fruits can somehow become deadly weapons in her hands!
- Glass Bottle: Used for stabbing and throwing at opponents for damage.
- Knife: Shown in the gif, Blaze can use it to unleash special slashes, a basic slash or throwing the knife for damage at a distance.
- Kunai: Used to stab and slice enemies, as you can expect they’re also used the exact same way Ninjas use Kunais.
- Shuriken: A throwing star used by Ninjas to do damage.
- Baseball Bat: Is generally used to beat down enemies with a basic swing or can be universally used to perform a step in swing.
- Grenade: As you can expect, it can deal damage when it’s thrown at the opponent and add more damage by the following explosion.
- Lead Pipe: Used to swing just like the Baseball bat but without any special moves.
- Wooden Plank: It operates like the Baseball bat and Lead Pipe only without the special techniques.
- Golf Club: Standard golf club used for playing golf but it’s used for smacking away enemies.
- Electric Eel: Used for long-range electrical damage.
- Energy Blade: It operates like a normal sword but returns to the user when thrown at opponents.
- Umbrella: A standard umbrella used to stop the rain.
- Pugil Stick: Large sticks with blunt ends used for military combat training.
- Hockey Stick: A standard Hockey stick used for smacking around pucks.
- Trident: From the depths of the sea, it’s a trident, a spear with 3 spiked ends.
- Durian: Yes, the spiked fruit does damage when swung and thrown.
- Katana: Just like the knife, Blaze can use this to perform a rising slash or even shoot projectile energy based attacks.
- Pepper Shakers: This is used to paralyze enemies temporarily when hit, it also unleashes. Standard pepper shakers do lots of irritating damage to the eyes making people temporarily blind as well.
- Radio: Still obtaining it from her days as an officer or given to her by Murphy using the comics, Blaze can call upon some loyal members of the police force to blow up the area with a rocket launcher at anytime.
- Taser: A standard taser that leaves enemies temporarily paralyzed.
- Tonfa: A standard tonfa used for close quarters combat.
- Pool Cue: A standard cue used for Pool games or in this case, smacking over the head of opponents.
- 8-Ball: As you can expect, the standard 8 ball used to start a pool game.
- Bowling Ball: A standard ball used for bowling down pins, or in this case crowds of enemies.
- Acid Vial: A bottle that unleashes a large puddle of toxic acid when released.
- Explosive Vial: A bottle that unleashes a large puddle of fire.
- Electric Vial: A bottle that unleashes a puddle of electricity that stuns the enemies.
- Pufferfish: It poisons enemies on contact.
- Chili Pepper: It operates just like grenades, exploding in a ball of fire.
- Tuna: A large tuna that can be smacked around like a bat.
- Swordfish: A standard swordfish that is used like a sword (hence the name).
- Combat Knife: A standard military combat knife.
- Axe: A hatchet used for chopping things in half, iconically trees.
- Chinese Sword: A standard blade only made with an elegant appearance.
- Stun Grenade: It creates a flash of light that leaves enemies stunned for 3 seconds.
- Landmine: Standard landmines. They cause an explosion when they’re stepped on.
- Golden Knife: It operates like a regular knife only doing way more damage.
- Golden Pipe: It operates like a regular pipe only doing way more damage.
- Golden Boomerang: It operates like the boomerang only doing way more damage.
- Golden Naginata: It operates like the naginata but as you can expect, it does way more damage.
- Motor Bike: A standard motor bike on the street that can be used for either smashing the opponents or riding it.
- Boomerang: A standard boomerang that reverses back at the user and does damage in the process.
- Sai: A standard weapon used for fast stabs and strikes.
- No Entry Sign: A standard large metal sign used for smacking people up.
- Cleaver: A knife that looks like a hatchet used for kitchen work or in this case, slicing enemies in half.
- Naginata: A staff with a blade at the edge, used for reaping down hordes of enemies.
- Golden Chicken: An art exhibit of turkey (ironic name) that’s made from solid gold, it’s more of a blunt weapon.
- Broom: A standard broom used for sweeping.
- Nail Bat: A basic bat with spikes around it.
- Hammer: A mallet used for smacking people around.
- Mace: A medieval weapon used for bludgeoning effects.
- Brick: A standard brick.
- Morning Star: A large mace used to swing around for damage.
- Black Sword: The largest sword in the franchise, used for extra range just as long as a spear.
- Fire Sword: A sword that leaves enemies burned when hit.
- Poison Sword: A sword that leaves the enemies poisoned when hit.
- Thunder Sword: A sword that leaves the enemies electrocuted when hit.
- Apple: Restores 30% of Blaze’s health.
- Roasted Turkey: Restores Blaze’s health to completion.
- 1-Up: When Blaze’s HP reaches 0 she can come back (Multiple death methods in the series include falling from large heights, blunt trauma, poisoning, acid, electrocution, and burning).
Ki Manipulation
Chun-Li can manipulate her ki, or life energy, to create energy blasts or enhance the strength of her physical attacks. She’s also capable of sensing the presence of other people.
Forbidden Techniques
In Udon’s continuity, upon completing her training with Gen, Chun-Li learned how to use the Forbidden Techniques, a series of pressure points where the user focuses their Satsui no Hado (or killing intent) to find an opponent’s weakest point and destroy them from within. This gave her access to techniques such as Zanei, Zetsuei, and Shitenketsu. It can even be used to shatter the fabric of space and trap opponents in a timeless void.
When she becomes burned out on energy, Blaze can restore her health by hitting her enemies continuously.
Energy Manipulation
Blaze has mastered the ability to utilize energy in fights, she can blast her enemies away with a shockwave with her palms or her legs while performing flip kicks. As shown earlier as well she can even create weapons or infuse her energy into weapons to unleash more damage or projectile attacks.
Fire Manipulation
Blaze can utilize fire
Wind Manipulation
By spinning around Blaze can project a tornado of wind which blows the enemies away.
Chun-Li grabs the opponent, pulls them forward, spins them around, and throws them to the ground.
Taiji Fan
Chun-Li grabs her foe, elbows them in the ribs, then flips them over her shoulder and onto their back.
Tenshin Shushu
Chun-Li grabs her opponent, performs a handstand on their shoulders, then swings behind them and sends them flying with a kick to the head.
Ryusei Raku
An aerial throw where Chun-Li grabs her opponent and either slams them into the ground or swings them around and slams them.
A quick hand chop thrust.
A double-handed palm thrust that can be used to destroy projectiles.
Also called “Tenku Kick,” it’s a high standing upward heel kick that launches opponents from the ground and acts as an anti air.
A hop into a roundhouse kick.
Chun-Li leaps over her opponent, flips through the air, and kicks them in the back of the neck.
Water Lotus Fist
Chun-Li steps forward and swings her arms downwards, hitting the opponent with her fist.
Soaring Eagle Punches
An aerial attack where Chun-Li punches her opponent with one arm, then spins around and does a hard punch with the other arm.
An aerial stomp to the head. As shown in the above gif, it’s easily spammed.
Wall Jump
Like everyone else in the cast, Chun-Li can jump off walls to escape combos of attack from different angles.
Chun-Li raises her hand to guard against an attack. If pulled off successfully, she’ll recover faster than her opponent, giving her the opportunity to counter
Chun-Li throws a one-handed ki blast.
Also called the “Lightning Kick,” Chun-Li stands on one leg and throws a barrage of side kicks with her other leg.
Spinning Bird Kick
Chun-Li jumps up and spins upside down with her legs outstretched, battering the opponent with kicks before landing.
Chun-Li somersaults forward and slams into the ground with one leg.
Chun-Li leaps into the air and performs a series of spinning aerial kicks.
Sou Hakkei
A two-handed thrust meant to get Chun-Li out of tough situations.
Chun-Li does a headstand and hits her opponent with an axe kick into the ground.
Chun-Li does a leaping knee strike into the air that juggles the opponent. This can be followed with a midair kick called Souseikyaku.
Chun-Li strikes a pose as blue ki surrounds her hands for 13 seconds. While active her Kikoken has more range and her strikes are able to juggle the opponent.
Chun-Li leaps back to dodge an opponent’s attack and punishes them with an overhead chop that knocks them back.
Serenity Stream
Chun-Li crouches, giving her access to six different follow-ups. These include:
- Orchid Palm: A double palm strike to the shins
- Snake Strike: A lunging punch targeting the ankle that trips opponents
- Lotus Fist: An overhead, one-two chop
- Forward Strike: A forward kick to the ankle
- Senpu Kick: A quick low kick with both legs
- Tenkukyaku: See its section above
Chun-Li gathers ki in her palms and unleashes a massive Kikoken. In crossover games, this instead becomes a giant dome of ki that surrounds her. Street Fighter 6 also introduces an aerial version.
A barrage of Hyakuretsukyakus.
Hazan Tenshokyaku
A combo of Tenshokyakus.
Tensei Ranka
A stronger version of Hazanshu that creates a shockwave and shakes the ground.
Shichisei Senkuu Kyaku
Chun-Li dashes through the air and unleashes a powerful kick as the move’s kanji appears on screen, causing the screen to flash.
Chun-Li does two Hyakuretsukyakus, one with each leg, then sends the opponent into the air with a Tenkukyaku.
Chun-Li kicks her opponent in the stomach then hits them with a Hyakuretsukyaku into Tenkukyaku.
Shichisei Ranka
A Spinning Bird Kick that launches the enemy into the air, followed by a Tenshokyaku, then finishing with a Tensei Ranka that smashes the enemy into the ground, creating a flash that produces cherry blossoms.
Soten Ranka
Chun-Li hits her opponent in the back of the head, launches them into the air with a kick, and juggles them with Wing Chun Punches to the stomach. After sending them flying with a roundhouse kick, she does a Serenity Stream stance, leaps into the air, and slams them into the ground with a Hazanshu.
There’s also an enhanced version where Chun-Li instead finishes the move with a Shichisei Senkuu Kyaku to the stomach, knocking the opponent into the camera before they slowly slide off and hit the ground.
Elbow Strike
A basic turnaround attack struck with the elbow.
Blaze strikes 5 times within one strike while showing the spirit of a dagger.
Chou Reppa Dan
Blaze leaps herself off the ground and lands a double kick into her opponent.
Spinning Dive
Blaze spins a full 360 while swinging down both of her arms in the process infused with her energy.
Arial Grab
Blaze grabs the opponent mid flip in the air and then lands a deadly backflip kick.
Blaze unleashes a barrage of backflips on the opponent sending them flying many feet into the air while flying above ground herself.
Drill Kick
Blaze flips and uses a handstand to land a double kick angled upwards and downwards, drilling in the damage for the downwards strike.
Razor Sliding Tackle
Blaze double flip kicks into a slide that upheaves some fire behind her attack.
Spirit Knife
Blaze unleashes a shoryuken-esk strike utilzing a knife infused with her energy.
Blaze does a backflip kick infused with her energy for range.
Blaze unleashes a spinning kick with her energy infused in it.
Blaze unleashes a flaming shockwave of fire extended from both the palms of her hands.
Double Kiskoushou
Blaze unleashes a one handed Kikoshou then lands a followup Kikoushou with both of her hands.
Uraken Uchi
A spinning backfist unleashing a blast of energy in both the front and back.
Energy Burst
Blaze unleashes a shockwave on the ground and sends anyone near her flying.
Tobi Kyaku
Blaze unleashes a flying kick strike infused with her energy.
Hien Zan
Blaze unleashes a double spinning backflip infused with her energy.
Shin Kikoushou
A Kikoushou launched with more power, the first being greater than a normal one and the second one being unleashed with max power.
Tamashi Age
Her ultimate technique, Blaze uses all of her energy to lift any opponent near her, creates a large flower sign with her energy, and sends them flying into the air by making it explode.
- Has shut down more Shadaloo cells in Hong Kong than Interpol’s other agents combined
- Defeated Vega, Birdie, Cammy, Juni, Juli, Juri, and FANG
- Defeated five martial artists at once
- Completed her training with Gen
- Is an honorary member of the X-Men and Power Rangers
- Overpowers Birdie, Cammy, Juni, and Juli
- Defeats Vega
- Beats up Charlie
- Tackles Cammy out a window and beats her up, sending her and several cars flying with a Kikosho (0.006 tons of TNT)
- Can break through steels doors with her kicks (0.24 tons of TNT) or a Kikosho (260183.522 joules)
- Her Kikosho has also stopped a speeding car and left a massive crater in a forest (1.42 megatons of TNT)
- Her kick collides with Juri’s and she later kicks her thigh
- Defeats Juri in their rival battles
- Defeats FANG
- Can completely demolish a car and flip it, and can do the same to a semi truck
- Punches Ken in the stomach and throws him back
- Hits Lord Raptor with a Hyakuretsukyaku and breaks his arm
- Strikes Morrigan with a Spinning Bird Kick and Hosenka
- Creates a giant ki blast
- Blows up part of a mountain
- Pressures Ryu while not holding back and hits him with a Spinning Bird Kick
- Ducks before gunshots can hit her
- Dodges Charlie’s Sonic Boom
- Parries Fei Long’s attacks
- Casually blocks Yun and Yang’s punches
- Dodges C. Viper’s Seismic Hammer
- Ducks under two attacks from FANG
- Gets hit by a Flash Kick and buried under rubble
- Punched in the stomach, sweep kicked, slammed into a car hard enough to dent it, then gets Cannon Spiked onto another car
- Takes a Thunder Knuckle from C. Viper, which contains 1,000,000 volts
- Hit by Ryu’s Tatsumaki Senpukyaku
- Survived Bison’s suicide explosion alongside Ryu, Ken, Cammy, and Guile (13.86 megatons of TNT)
- Hit by a ki-infused kick from Juri that sends her flying, though it leaves her in need of hospitalization and she passes out soon after
- Scratched by Vega’s claw
- Leader of the Streets of Rage group that defeated Mr. X’s children, the Y twins
- Has saved Wood Oak City time and time again
- Defeated the best ranked fighters assassins in the entire world, becoming one of the best fighters in the world
- Defeated advanced combat robots
- Defeated Mr. X, the world’s biggest crime boss, three times in a row
- Has gained emotional issues throughout the years and is taking anger management classes
- Thank God Streets of Rage came back
- Can dent a cell door with one punch and break it off its hinges with five
- Demolishes a pool table
- Destroys a motorcycle and an armored knight stand
- Knocks back a medium bulldozer (32.5 tons)
- Destroys a large wooden crate (968 Kilojoules - 6.731 Megajoules)
- Shatters a concrete wall (5.22 megajoules - 0.0083 tons of TNT)
- Can use the rocket launcher summon, which creates this explosion (0.004257 tons of TNT)
- Destroys a steel box (6.464 megajoules - 0.0074 tons of TNT)
- Destroys gold statues easily (0.0043 - 0.0177 tons of TNT)
- Pulverizes a mailbox (0.0364 tons of TNT)
- Completely wastes this steel wall (0.02 - 0.1 tons of TNT)
- Can throw anything for extended distances over her (including wooden crates and golden statues) (195 - 3,232 tons)
- Destroys this entire metal wall (0.032 - 0.0885 tons of TNT)
- Can damage the Y twins’ giant mech
- In the comics she kicks a man in midair and claims she could easily snap his vertebrate or fracture his skull
- Outruns some gunmen who were firing at her
- Can strike faster than Tommy Gun fire (376.4 m/s)
- She intercepts Mach mid dash who uses a jetpack to tackle (Mach 3.51 - 7.33)
- Blitzes some thugs so fast she claims she sees them in slow motion
- Moves with a particle’s laser shot (0.085 c)
- Fought through hordes of dozens of thugs, assassins, and expert fighters from night until morning. She does this again in Streets of Rage 2
- Can get back up after being whipped, tazed, exposed to poisonous chemicals, and hit by Molotov cocktails, exploding oil drums, and rocket launchers
- Survives being in the blast radius of an explosion that destroyed an entire cruise ship (0.0797 tons of TNT)
- Gets launched off a bridge by a rocket launcher’s explosion (0.31 Tons - 0.78 tons of TNT) and survives the resulting fall
- Survives a plane crash, though it seemingly knocks her out (4.553 tons of TNT)
- In the comics she’s shot in the shoulder off panel and gets sent flying by a cruise ship explosion
As the poster boy and poster girl of Street Fighter, Ryu and Chun-Li have naturally fought against similar enemies, such as Balrog and M. Bison, and come out on top, which implies they should possess similar levels of power. They’ve even fought each other at one point, with Chun-Li clearly pressuring him as the battle went on.
- His energy powered the Psycho Drive, which can blow up a city (33.3 megatons - 1.1 gigatons of TNT)
- Ryu while under the influence of the Satsui no Hado was capable of blowing up chunks of a skyscraper
- Ryu and Ken simultaneously harmed M. Bison with Hadokens
- Ryu fights Akuma and is evenly matched (2:39-3:51)
- Shrugged off being thrown through several buildings by Hugo
- Survived Akuma blowing up an island with the Kongou Kokuretsuzan (119 megatons of TNT)
- Is bulletproof while under the Satsui no Hado
- Repeatedly moved FTE while under the Satsui no Hado and made C. Viper retreat out of fear that he’d kill her (34:44-35:19)
Cammy White
Chun-Li has regularly fought alongside her and even defeated her in a fight.
- Kicks a metal door open
- Kicks a man through a train’s roof (4.12 megajoules), and kicks through the roof of another train car
- Beat Blanka so badly he becomes traumatized by the sight of her
- Casually defeats Vega
- Double KO’d Balrog
- Defeats T. Hawk
- She and Decapre shoulder tackle a speeding armored truck and dent it
- Defeated all of the Dolls off screen with Decapre
- Dodges a gunshot at close range
- Dodges machine gun fire with her Spiral Arrow
- Survived an explosion that destroyed a wall
- Survives being knocked out a plane that was hundreds of feet in the air and landing on a snowy mountain (30:22-30:57)
- Tanked an explosion that destroyed an island (4.72 - 190.125 gigatons of TNT)
Juri Han
While their first fight ended with Juri beating Chun-Li to the point of hospitalization and nearly killing her, later battles have had Chun-Li come out on top.
- Stops a rocket mid-flight with a kick and knocked it away
- Blocked bullets with her ki
- Her Fuhajin destroyed a jet
- Destroyed an amusement park with a prototype of the Feng Shui engine (254.2 tons of TNT)
- Casually defeats Bison’s Dolls (20:41-21:01), including Juni and Juli
- Trades blows with Guile
- Catches Cammy’s Cannon Strike, dodges her attacks, and staggers her with an elbow strike (29:30-29:51)
- Absorbed enough Psycho Power to destroy a mountain (15.4 - 133 megatons of TNT)
- Guile’s Sonic Boom only staggers her for a moment, and she later withstands a barrage of kicks
M. Bison
Chun-Li has held her own against Bison in battle before, having bested him in the Alpha days (barring Bison sucker punching her while her guard was down), and wounding him during the events of Street Fighter II.
- Survived having a building collapse on top of him
- Destroyed his home village
- Survived being nuked (8 megatons of TNT)
- Tanked Charlie’s self destruction
- His suicide creates a massive explosion of Psycho Power (366.8 gigatons of TNT)
- Can intercept a satellite laser with his Psycho Crusher (Mach 1166 - 0.0166 c)
Misc. Street Fighters
Being one of the main characters of Street Fighter, Chun-Li would naturally scale above the following characters, who range from mid-tiers to fodder.
- C. Viper bodied Cammy (33:44-34:19) and blew up a tank
- Karin busted down a metal door (0.24 tons of TNT) and has a move that can overwhelm opponents from 12000 km away (43.2 - 432.6 megatons on TNT)
- Charlie destroyed a cliffside (771.24 tons of TNT) and caught Guile’s Sonic Boom
- Birdie blocked gunfire with his chains and (alongside Balrog) survived the destruction of M. Bison’s base (8 megatons of TNT)
- Vega defeated E. Honda, who destroyed a meteor (961 megatons of TNT)
- Juli dodged gunshots at close range (Mach 5.03)
- Eagle moved his hand relative to a satellite laser (Mach 347)
Streets of Rage 1-4 Main Cast & Antagonists
To the surprise of no one, the following characters are people throughout the entire Streets of Rage franchise. Blaze has iconically fought side by side the main cast, pulling her own weight and keeping up with their fighting prowess and has fought against every antagonist that came her way and won.
The Hunter Family
- Adam shatters a large portion of the ground (0.0038 tons of TNT)
- Shatters a wooden crate (968 kilojoules - 6.731 megajoules)
- Kicks faster than Tommy Gun fire (491.25 m/s)
- Skate can grab his legs on top of enemies and wail on them
- Knocks back a medium bulldozer (32.5 tons)
- Shatters concrete walls (5.22 megajoules - 0.0083 Tons of TNT)
- Shatters golden statues (0.0043 - 0.0177 tons of TNT)
- 1 of 4 characters who can bust down the steel wall (0.032 - 0.0885 tons of TNT)
- 1 of 4 characters who can pulverize the steel wall (0.02 - 0.1 tons of TNT)
- Moves in tandem with a gunshot (75.8 m/s)
- Moves in tandem with particle’s laser shot (0.082 c)
- Cherry can punch in tandem with her soundwaves (245.99 m/s)
- 1 of 4 characters who survive the rocket launcher explosion (0.31 Tons - 0.78 tons of TNT)
- 1 of 4 characters who survives a plane crash (4.553 tons of TNT)
Max Thunder
- 1 of 4 characters that can pulverize the steel wall (0.02 - 0.1 tons of TNT)
- Survives getting hit by a NYPD Helicopter Napalm (0.358 tons of TNT)
- Jumps out of the way of wooden crossbow shots from ninjas (67 m/s)
- Max is capable of amping his body with his lightning powers giving him the power and speed of his lightning (Mach 364)
- Moves with a particle’s laser shot (0.161 c)
Axel Stone
- Knocks back a medium bulldozer (32.5 tons)
- Shatters a wooden crate (968 kilojoules - 6.731 megajoules)
- Shatters a concrete wall (5.22 megajoules - 0.0083 tons of TNT)
- Shatters this golden statue (0.0043 - 0.0177 tons of TNT)
- Pulverizes a mailbox (0.0364 tons of TNT)
- 1 of 4 characters who can bust down the steel wall (0.032 - 0.0885 tons of TNT)
- 1 of 4 characters that can pulverize a steel wall (0.02 - 0.1 tons of TNT)
- 1 of 4 characters who survive the rocket launcher explosion (0.31 tons - 0.78 tons of TNT)
- 1 of 4 character who survives a plane crash (4.553 tons of TNT)
- Dodges Mr.X’s Tommy Gun (62.29 m/s)
- Dodges bullets shot from a pistol, very noticeably (153 m/s)
- Jabs in tandem with a Tommy Gun bullet (165.69 m/s)
- Dodges a particle’s laser shots (0.262 c)
Floyd Iraia
- 1 of 4 characters who survive the rocket launcher explosion (0.31 tons - 0.78 tons of TNT)
- 1 of 4 character who survives a plane crash (4.553 tons of TNT)
- His arms are robotic and composed of the Rakushin explosive
Mr.X’s Henchmen & Technology
- The goons can fall from very high heights and survive unscathed (11 tons)
- They can also survive this hydraulic press (5.977 megajoules)
- Moves in tandem with a bullet (431.46 m/s)
- Has access to rocket launchers that can explode a part of a building (0.0299 tons of TNT)
- It can also blow up a warehouse
- Mr.X’s robots were made with the same potent technology as Dr. Zan’s who can turn items into pure energy these are all weapons usable in SoR3
- Kunai (1.074 megatons of TNT)
- Knife (3.222 megatons of TNT)
- German Grenade (12.781 megatons of TNT)
- Baseball Bat (21.265 megatons of TNT)
- Plank (24.273 megatons of TNT)
- Katana (32.2 megatons of TNT)
- Lead Pipe (503 megatons of TNT)
- Break the robot, can perform all of Axel’s moves including his fire based moves with sheer friction (0.08 - 3.7 tons of TNT and Mach 5 - 23)
While Chun-Li has been described as the strongest woman in the world, even she isn’t infallible. She tends to be headstrong and let her emotions get the better of her, causing her to rush into battle guns blazing. And since she mainly focuses on close quarters she often struggles against opponents who specialize in ranged attacks.
Despite being one of Wood Oak City’s premiere defenders, Blaze still has her fair share of shortcomings. Her combat skills make her an all-arounder, but because of this she doesn’t excel in power as much as her other allies. Her energy-based special moves, while decently strong, can drain her health if she uses them for more than 5 seconds. And despite the wide range of weaponry she can pick up, they will break after a few direct hits, and she doesn’t have many ranged options aside from throwing them.
- High end AP arguments completely demolish Blaze
- More durable with direct feats alone, and scaling only widens the gap
- More reliable ranged options
- More experienced when it comes to training
- The Forbidden Techniques would bypass Blaze’s durability and one-shot her
- Can potentially BFR Blaze with the Forbidden Techniques
- Canonically has thick thighs
- Slower to the point of potentially getting blitzed
- Far less versatile arsenal and powers
- Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li
- EVO Moment 37
- Faster, and easily blitzes Chun-Li with high end scaling
- More experienced when it comes to combat and fighting styles
- Far more versatile arsenal
- Larger array of powers
- Her design in Streets of Rage 4
- Gets curbstomped by Chun-Li’s high end AP
- Less durable no matter what
- Ranged options are more situational
- The Forbidden Techniques would bypass her durability and one-shot her
- Has no counter to getting BFRd by the Forbidden Techniques
- How long it took to get Streets of Rage 4
This one’s a bit of a wildcard. Blaze does have some good feats like knocking back bulldozers, destroying gold statues, and busting through metal walls, and even damaging a giant mech. But not only has Chun-Li pulled off similar feats, she also has far more visually impressive showings like demolish cars and semi trucks, sending several cars flying with a Kikosho, blowing up part of a mountain, and creating an enormous crater in a forest. That last feat in particular is notable for getting a yield as high as 1.42 megatons of TNT, which is a level of power Blaze’s direct feats don’t even come close to.Their direct durability feats are also skewed rather heavily. Blaze does show a pretty decent pain tolerance to things like getting whipped, tazed, hit by Molotov cocktails, exploding oil drums, and rocket launchers, the best she has to show is when she survived a plane crash worth over 4.5 tons of TNT, and even that knocked her out. Nothing she had came close to Chun-Li getting caught in Bison’s suicide explosion, which gets a little over 13.86 megatons of TNT.
But speed is a different story. Chun-Li’s best speed feats are ducking before she can get hit by gunfire and dodging Charlie’s Sonic Boom, which could get around supersonic speeds if we’re being generous. Blaze, on the other hand, has actual feats of outrunning and striking faster than gunfire, could intercept jetpack users, and even moved in tandem with a particle’s laser shot; with the latter feats getting Hypersonic to Sub-Relativistic. This would make it extremely hard for Chun-Li to actually hit her, but at the same time, Blaze would be lacking in striking power to actually harm her.
At least, that’s how things would be until we factor in scaling. Because the Streets of Rage cast having access to some insanely advanced technology, most of the feats in Street Fighter are now met with something that either matches or surpasses it. Chun-Li can form a crater worth over one megaton of TNT? Blaze has proven comparable to Floyd, whose mechanical arms are powered by an explosive capable of destroying part of a city, which is worth over 3 megatons of TNT. Chun-Li’s defeated the likes of Bison, Balrog, and Juri Han, who have survived explosions or energy absorption worth anywhere from 8 megatons to 133 megatons? Blaze has demolished robots equipped with the same technology as Dr. Zan, who can convert items into pure energy, requiring 21 megatons to 503 megatons.
And the speed gap only becomes worse. The absolute best feat you can give Chun-Li (at least when sticking to mainline games) is Bison intercepting a satellite laser with his Psycho Crusher, which gets a little over 1% the speed of light at best. Meanwhile, Blaze would again compare to her fellow cast members like Max Thunder and Axel Stone, who have also moved in tandem with or dodged particle shots. These feats get much higher speeds than Blaze’s own, and even Chun-Li’s best, being 16.1% or 26.2% the speed of light.
Going off these numbers, it might seem like Chun-Li is cooked, but there’s one thing she has that Blaze doesn’t: higher AP scaling. Defeating Vega would naturally let her scale to those he’s defeated, like E. Honda, who destroyed a meteor worth 961 megatons. She’s regularly been shown as comparable to Ryu, who in his early days had enough energy to power the city-destroying Psycho Drive, which can get as high as over 1 gigaton of TNT. And she’s managed to beat down Cammy, who tanked an island busting explosion that got over 4 gigatons at minimum.
In other words, while Blaze has the edge in speed and can keep up in power to an extent, Chun-Li ultimately pulls ahead in both AP and durability.
Tertiary Factors
Experience is honestly a bit of a toss-up. Chun-Li being trained since the age of 5 and practicing several different styles of martial arts makes her rather proficient, and her victories against skilled assassins like the Dolls are a testament to her prowess. However, Blaze has a similar level of skill thanks to her Judo expertise and mastery of several Eastern styles. Not to mention Blaze has faced a much larger variety of opponents than Chun, with her enemies having a wider array of fighting styles and she’s even taken down people armed with more advanced technology.While this is ultimately hard to pin down, we’ll just say that they’re about even in skill, but Chun-Li takes an edge in martial arts training while Blaze has wider combat experience.
This one’s fairly straightforward in Blaze’s favor. Chun-Li’s pistol is a decent ranged option, but it’s let down by the fact she rarely ever uses it. By contrast, Blaze has a wide array of items she can pick up in battle, giving her multiple ways to attack Chun-Li and trip her up. She’s got numerous blades, throwing weapons, bludgeons, and explosives, and a radio to give her backup with an AOE explosion. But her biggest advantages are the weapons that inflict status effects. As tough as Chun-Li is, she doesn’t have any counters to things like getting paralyzed by pepper shakers, tasers, and stun grenades, poisoned by acid vials and pufferfish, or the multiple status effects of the vials and elemental swords.And unlike her opponent, Blaze isn’t limited to just offense. Items like the apple and turkey would let her heal from the damage Chun-Li dishes out, and her 1-ups would make it harder for Chun to reliably put her down.
Much like their weaponry, Blaze is going into this with a lot more than Chun-Li. While both can infuse energy into their attacks, Blaze has the option to apply this to her weapons as well, letting her increase the damage output and even unleash projectiles. This alone could let her match Chun-Li’s more reliable ranged attacks, and her ability to create rings of fire and giant tornados would easily get her out of a bind at close-range. And when you factor in how she can heal by performing combos, it seems like Chun-Li would be in for an extremely uphill battle.But that doesn’t mean Chun-Li’s completely defenseless. Where Blaze’s ki manipulation gave her an edge in versatility, Chun-Li has the edge when it comes to range and area of effect. Despite typically being a close range fighter, her Kikoken is a long range option she can access naturally unlike Blaze, who needs to use weaponry scattered around the battlefield. And the Kikosho gives off more of an area of effect than anything Blaze can pull off excluding outside help like the police radio.
In a similar vein, Chun-Li’s Forbidden Techniques were ultimately a more reliable method of putting Blaze down. By targeting Blaze’s weak points to attack her from within, any attack Chun-Li landed with them would be able to kill Blaze the instant she’s struck. Even if she didn’t want to kill Blaze, she could still opt for removing her from the battlefield by shattering the space around them, and with no way for Blaze to get out, Chun-Li would end up the winner by default.
Going into this, we were expecting this fight to be a lot more one-sided given the more urban, comparatively grounded tone of Streets of Rage, but this turned out a lot closer than expected. With her large speed advantage, far wider arsenal, and control over the battlefield, Blaze would certainly put Chun-Li on the ropes. However, Chun-Li’s higher AP arguments, superior durability and range, and more reliable one-shot options let her prove why she has the title of Strongest Woman in the World.Blaze just couldn’t get a leg up to achieve victory, and this loss is gonna Li-ve her Fielding enraged.
The winner is Chun-Li.
Chun-Li (5)- Br3ndan5, Scarat, Z1, Round 1 Fight, dimentiorevived7Blaze- None
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