Power Girl vs Hyperion (DC vs Marvel)






Power Girl, the last daughter of the Multiverse!

Hyperion, the sole survivor of the Squadron Supreme!

Forced into mainstream continuity from elsewhere in the vast multiverse, these two mighty heroes have made themselves at home in this new universe. And like any superhero these days, they have to deal with supervillains, complicated relationships, and most importantly: continuity reboots! If you think reading through them is confusing, try having everything you know hard reset by the higher-ups!

And yet these two persevere, rising above their survivor’s guilt to defend the innocent. But even then, no world exists where both will walk away from a DEATH BATTLE!

Before we begin

The following analyses are going to focus on specific iterations of Power Girl and Hyperion. For Power Girl, she’ll be given feats and abilities from the Pre-Crisis, Post Crisis, and Post DC Rebirth eras. While the New 52 has its own Power Girl, she won’t be considered due to her history and information conflicting with the pre-established version.

Additionally, shortly after she was retconned into an Atlantean, Power Girl received injuries that required surgery in order to save her. After this surgery, her strength, speed, flight, invulnerability, and super-vision were all drastically weakened for a short time. She also gained new abilities that are never referenced or revisited after her Kryptonian origin is restored. As such, these abilities will not be considered, though the feats will be given their own “Atlantean” subsection.

For Hyperion, we will be primarily focusing on the Earth-13034 version, though other versions of the character will be used for scaling.


Power Girl

“My name is Power Girl. I’m the last daughter of the multiverse.”

Our story begins in the universe Earth-Two. It was the early 1900s, and the planet Krypton was on the brink of collapse. Devastating “landquakes” were rocking the planet at a staggering rate, each one worse than the last. Believing this to be a sign of Krypton's destruction, the scientist Jor-L attempted to warn the planet’s council of their impending doom, but his concerns were dismissed as paranoia. The only other person to take his concerns seriously was his brother Zor-L.

Desperate to save his family, Zor-L used his brother’s data to build a spaceship, modifying the plans to ensure a safer flight. Unfortunately, while he was in the middle of building it, Zor-L realized he had miscalculated the amount of time they had left. But if he couldn’t assemble a full-scale ship in time, he could at least ensure the survival of his infant daughter. As he and his wife made peace with their fates, Zor-L and Allura placed Kara inside her ship, sending her offworld as Krypton exploded.

Being designed for slower travel, Kara’s “Symbioship” would spend the next 60 years traveling through space, all the while placing her in a suspended animation that slowed her aging. During this voyage, the ship’s AI would provide her with a virtual reality program, allowing her to live out an entire life on an artificial Krypton.

Eventually the Symbioship reached its destination, and upon waking on Earth, the 20 year old Kara was discovered by a fellow survivor of Krypton: her cousin, Kal-L, aka Clark Kent. The elderly Superman welcomed her into the family alongside his wife, Lois Lane, and with their help, Kara obtained a relationship far different from the virtual reality she knew.

As she grew more accustomed to life on Earth, Kara learned of her cousin’s heroic reputation and decided to follow in his footsteps, albeit against his wishes. Donning her own costume, Power Girl made her debut by helping the Justice Society of America contain an active volcano in Peking, China. She then joined them alongside Robin and Star-Spangled Kid to defeat Brain Wave and Per Degaton’s schemes for world domination.

For these efforts, she was granted full membership into the JSA by Superman himself, who believed it was time for the next generation to take up the mantle. During her adventures with the JSA, Power Girl proved herself a valuable member of the team, helping save the planet and even the universe numerous times. She even had the honor of attending the JSA’s annual meetings with Earth-One’s Justice League.

When she wasn’t saving the world, Kara spent most of her time trying to become more familiar with Earth’s culture, mainly through the civilian disguise of software engineer Karen Starr. These efforts were aided by a growing friendship with Huntress, a fellow JSA member and daughter of the deceased Batman and Catwoman. At one point, they even decided to leave the JSA together, claiming they felt out of place due to their age. They initially tried to make up for this by forming Infinity, Inc, but later rejoined the Society after realizing the Infinitors could handle themselves

Shortly after this, a being called the Anti-Monitor would begin a quest to wipe out the multiverse. In an effort to save all of existence, Karen teamed up with the heroes and villains from other Earths to confront him. While they proved successful in defeating him, the entire multiverse was lost in the process. Now (supposedly) the only survivor of Earth-Two, and with nowhere left to go, Power Girl was forced to adapt to life on the only surviving Earth

Fortunately, she wouldn’t have to worry about these alienating circumstances for too long. At the time, DC editorial wanted to make Superman the only survivor of Krypton. So what would they do with Power Girl, whose backstory relied entirely on being another Kryptonian survivor? Why, retcon it, of course!

At the request of one of her creators, Gerry Conway, Power Girl’s origin in the Post Crisis continuity would receive a drastic overhaul. Secret Origins #11 “revealed” that everything she experienced on Earth-Two was actually false memories. Her “true” origin story was that she was an Atlantean born 45,000 years ago (some comics claim it was 50,000 years ago), and her grandfather- the sorcerer Arion- had placed her in suspended animation, sending her to the present so she could escape being slaughtered by his old enemy Garn.

This retcon was not well-received, either by fans or the writers, and it led to Power Girl earning an infamous (and rather unearned) reputation among both for having one of the most confusing backstories in comic book history.

And to those people, I’d just like to point out that Power Girl exists in the same world as Hawkman and Donna Troy. One overhaul to her backstory is nothing compared to those guys.

But anyway, let’s get back on track. In an attempt to rectify the confusion among fans, writer Geoff Johns decided to take Karen back to her roots. He started by planting seeds in JSA #32 where Dr. Mid-Nite reveals her powers are biological, rather than magic like her revised origin claimed. Then in Superman #189, he’d have her being affected by Kryptonite, with both her and Superman questioning how that’s possible. JSA #50 would then have Arion reveal he lied to Power Girl about being her grandfather.

Following this, JSA Classified #1 would establish that Power Girl could still recall her “false” Kryptonian memories, with Issue #4 revealing that fellow Crisis survivor Psycho Pirate still remembered the events of the previous world and that Karen subconsciously remembered her Pre-Crisis history. Psycho Pirate attempted to exploit this by creating psychic illusions of her past friends and enemies, trying to drive her insane by making her doubt her past. His efforts failed, and instead of losing her mind, they only pointed her in the right direction, because right after his attack, she was reunited with the Superman from Earth-Two.

As it turned out, Superman had also survived the Crisis and been living in a paradise dimension with his Lois, Alexander Luthor from Earth-Three, and Superboy from Earth-Prime. During this conversation, Geoff Johns would solidify the restoration of her old history by revealing her Atlantean memories were fabricated and having her regain all of her Pre-Crisis memories.

You’d think this would’ve gotten people to stop complaining about her origin, but even as recently as 2023, there are still people who say her backstory is confusing.

But aside from her restored origin, the survivors also revealed their plan to restore the multiverse, as they felt that the New Earth universe had become too desolate and grim. While she was at first conflicted, Karen came to oppose the idea when she learned that Alexander planned to destroy New Earth to bring the multiverse back. She tried to fight him, but was captured and placed inside of his machine. With the help of Power Girl, among many other unwilling power sources, Alexander successfully restored the multiverse, but his plan to destroy New Earth was stopped by the remaining heroes. Power Girl would later be freed from the machine and take part in the final battle, which ended with a tearful farewell to the dying Earth-Two Superman

Following the events of Infinite Crisis, Power Girl would help reform the Justice Society and was elected as its chairwoman. She’d help the team out with their missions, serving as their surrogate leader until they encountered the Third World deity Gog. While fulfilling the team’s subconscious desires, Gog sensed Karen’s grief at being the only survivor of Earth-Two and created a warp to send her “home.” Upon passing through the other side, she was met with the familiar faces of Dick Grayson, Helena Wayne and the members of the Justice Society and Infinity Inc. From the looks of things, it was as if Earth-Two had been restored!

Though she was initially overjoyed that she was back home, Karen soon noticed some odd inconsistencies, such as conflicting histories and a more violent and murderous Huntress. But the biggest thing that tipped her off was the presence of another Power Girl!

As it turned out, this wasn’t the Earth-Two Karen had grown up on. It was actually one of Alexander Luthor’s duplicate Earths, and its heroes were somehow worse than what her Superman had feared about New Earth.

Believing her to be an impostor, this world’s more brutal Robin and Power Girl tried torturing information out of her, but she was saved after the New Earth JSA appeared and helped clear up the misunderstanding.

After returning to New Earth and helping defeat Gog, Karen decided it was time for a fresh start. She began devoting more time to her company at Starrware Industries, befriended and mentored a young superheroine named Atlee, and even founded her own branch of the JSA. Everything seemed to be looking up for her… and then DC rebooted everything again.

Thanks to Doctor Manhattan meddling with time, Alan Scott never received the Green Lantern Battery, causing him to suffer an early death. This, combined with Manhattan removing ten years from the metaverse, created a ripple effect throughout the entire multiverse. Entire people were erased from history, memories were altered, and major historical events never happened. Even Power Girl was affected, being completely erased from existence and replaced by Kara Zor-El, the Supergirl (and eventual Power Girl) from Earth 2. That was until Manhattan became inspired by Superman’s heroism and set everything back to the way it was before. Everyone and everything he had erased or altered was completely restored, including the original Power Girl!

Now on the world of Prime Earth, Karen helped the heroes of the multiverse fight against the forces of Pariah, a survivor of the original Crisis who’d gone insane after coming into contact with the primordial embodiment of darkness. After Pariah’s defeat and another restoration of the infinite Earths, Power Girl wouldn’t be seen again until the events of Lazarus Planet.

While helping the other heroes deal with a Lazarus Pit volcano, Karen was accidentally exposed to the volcano’s resin, an otherworldly substance that unlocked her latent psionic potential. She used these new psychic abilities to rescue Omen, a telepathic therapist who she soon befriended.

With Omen’s help, Karen was able to train her psychic powers and helped form a therapy group. With Omen’s years of experience combined with her more headstrong approach, they began helping other heroes overcome their mental and emotional burdens.

...And then Leah Williams completely abandoned this plot, stripped Power Girl of her old identity and confidence, and gave her the new identity of "Paige Stetler," a wimpy, socially awkward reporter at the Daily Planet. In other words,  the woman that hated being reduced to a carbon copy of Superman is now the very thing she didn't want to be.


“I saw everything perish. Yes. That much is true. But it didn’t claim me. I remained apart from it. I am its opposing force. I am the Sun-- and I have no use for death.”

Born to a dying world, an unnamed infant was rocketed to Earth as the sole survivor of the Eternals, a race of cosmically powered guardians. Upon his arrival the child was discovered by a man known only as “Father Milton.” Father would go on to raise the boy as his own, giving him the name Marcus and teaching him morality.

Under Father’s guidance, Marcus would be taught a moral code: “truth without compromise, thought without error, all things for the betterment of the whole.” Taking this to heart, Marcus adopted the name Hyperion and helped his adoptive siblings form the Squadron Supreme, a group dedicated to preserving peace and upholding Father’s ideals. Together, they were able to turn Earth into a utopian society free of crime.

Unfortunately, these peaceful times wouldn’t last long. One day, a completely separate Earth appeared in the sky, slowly being pulled into Hyperion’s own. The Squadron Supreme did what they could to stop it, but one by one, each of them fell.

With his brothers and sisters dead, the fate of both worlds now laid on the shoulders of Hyperion, both figuratively and literally. But even with all his might, Hyperion couldn’t prevent the Incursion. As his strength finally gave out, Hyperion was caught in the middle as both Earths collided, and their universes died with them.

However, through some stroke of luck, Hyperion survived the Incursion. He floated in the void between worlds, seemingly unconscious and unmoving, until he was discovered by the scientists at AIM. Intrigued by his survival, they retrieved Hyperion and pulled him into the world of Earth-616.

Left to waste away in AIM’s facility as his powers faded, Hyperion was eventually rescued by the Avengers. Seeing a chance to help this new world, he joined the team as one of its new members.

On one of his first missions, he was dispatched to the Savage Land to investigate the detonation of an Origin Bomb. While investigating the site, he discovered the new lifeforms it created and took them under his wing. Under his guidance, this group- later known as the Children of the Sun- would be taught to help improve the world.

During his time with the Avengers, he befriended Thor, and the two quickly became brothers-in-arms. This, combined with his relationship with the Children of the Sun, allowed Marcus to overcome his grief at his dead world. With their words and actions to help inspire him, Hyperion focused his efforts on protecting his new homeworld.

As he continued to work alongside Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, the team began to notice a strange decay spreading across the multiverse. In an effort to locate the source, the Avengers spread throughout the remaining universes, and soon enough they found it. Within one of these dying worlds was a fissure in the fabric of space-time, and the beings within this fissure revealed themselves to the Avengers.

These were the Beyonders, nigh-omnipotent beings intent on destroying the multiverse. Now face to face with the ones responsible for all this death and destruction, the Avengers did their best to fight back, but one by one they fell before their oppressors. In time, only Hyperion and Thor remained to combat the endless swarm. Even with Hyperion rendered blind and both knowing they stood no chance, they charged into battle one last time, facing their deaths with dignity.

Of course, since this is comics we’re talking about, Hyperion was eventually resurrected thanks to Molecule Man restoring the multiverse.

Several months after this restoration, Hyperion left the Avengers and helped form a new Squadron Supreme composed of otherworldly refugees. Their first mission? Track down Namor the Sub-Mariner and bring him to justice for his part in destroying their universes.

In a surprise ambush, the Squadron Supreme battled Namor and his Atlantean army, while Hyperion decided to grant Namor a more fitting punishment. If the Sub-Mariner was so willing to snuff out countless lives to ensure his kingdom’s safety, Hyperion would show him how it felt to lose everything he loved.

Using his immense strength, Hyperion lifted the entire continent of Atlantis from the ocean depths and destroyed it, forcing Namor to watch as his entire kingdom and everyone on it fell once more. An infuriated Namor then tried to get revenge, only to be instantly slain by Hyperion.

These actions, combined with the collateral damage during their missions, split public perception on the Squadron. Some lauded them for their willingness to preemptively end potential threats, while others feared they would eventually go too far and start targeting regular civilians.

As their attacks grew more frequent and public perception worsened, SHIELD and the Avengers were called in to apprehend them. The two teams fought, but right when the Squadron was about to be defeated, the warrior Thundra appeared and whisked them away to Weirdworld.

Upon arriving there, Thundra would go on to explain why she’d sought them out: in her eyes, the Squadron Supreme was the only group capable of breaking Doctor Druid’s mind control over Weirdworld. While they were willing to help out, Hyperion quickly realized something was wrong: he no longer had his powers. And to top it off, the team was ambushed by Warrior Woman, who’d disguised herself as one of their members.

Fortunately, with the aid of Doctor Spectrum, he was able to circumvent his newly-discovered weakness to magic. Now able to resist its effects, at least somewhat, he managed to shatter the gem controlling Weirdworld.

When they returned to Earth, Hyperion continued his missions with the Squadron, though the growing negativity towards their reputation was slowly getting to him. Realizing he wouldn’t be able to connect with others as Hyperion, Marcus became inspired by the words of a friendly trucker and took on a new identity.

As roadside trucker Marc Milton, Hyperion traveled across the United States to discover more about himself and America. In doing so, he reflected on his past actions and came to regret what he’d done.

Sickened by the Squadron’s actions and wanting to redeem himself, Hyperion left the team. After helping a resurrected Namor rebuild Atlantis, he entered a brief retirement to focus on his civilian life.

Of course, this retirement wouldn’t last forever, as he was eventually called in to deal with a Chtauri invasion. Despite sustaining serious injuries, he was still able to fight them off, and later took part in freeing Washington, DC from HYDRA’s control.

...And then Marvel replaced him with another Hyperion during Jason Aaron's run, leaving this one's wherabouts unknown. To this day he hasn't been seen or acknowledged, but at least he was spared from anymore shitty writing.

Experience and Skill

Power Girl

With the sheer number of teams she’s been part of (and believe me, she’s been in A LOT of them), it’s only natural Karen would have a wide variety of experience under her belt. She’s overcome mad scientists, alien invaders, immortal gods, and heroes with far more combat experience.

As one of the Justice League’s most intelligent members, she possesses an expert knowledge on software and computers, an advanced understanding of technology, and is capable of reprogramming software, communication systems, and satellites. She’s even capable of rigging her surroundings to fit her everyday needs.

She’s also shown to possess a keen strategic mind capable of analyzing her opponents mid-battle and exploiting their weaknesses, or using her surroundings to her advantage. She’s even coached others on how to use their powers, explained potential weaknesses to them, and devised complex plans.

She’s proficient in both boxing and karate, being skilled enough in the latter that despite only having a month of training, she’d progressed more than any of the thousands of marines and students before her. Her prowess has even been noted by Wonder Woman, who has thousands of years of experience.


The sheer scope and power in Hyperion has made him a very formidable opponent in numerous ways, assisting and helping other heroes of cosmic proportions to fight against the many evils of the multiverse, ranging from the Mad Titan Thanos to the forces of Namor the Sub-mariner and Atlantis. All of which has been on numerous teams, being the member and leader of Squadron Supreme teams, the Avengers, and the New Avengers.

Hyperion is incredibly hyper-intelligent for a variety of reasons. His Eternals’ physiology already makes him more advanced than any human, and his mind is structured in such a manner that memories are to him as 'real' as the present, his most vivid memory dominating his perceptions. Such as being able to interpret a DNA code by glancing at it and determining who it belongs to, or being able to calculate the impact point of one of Ex Nihilo's Origin Bombs when Avengers Tower's computers could not, even noting specific flaws in the computers' design while doing it.

And when it comes to skill and combat, Hyperion has demonstrated pretty proficient hand-to-hand combat, which is impressive since Hyperion for most, if not all his life has lacked any serious or formalized training. But, he has shown some skill in grappling, a type of martial art based on numerous techniques such as throwing, sweeps, takedowns, clinch fighting, submission holds, and fighting on the ground. Due to Hyperion’s nature as a brawler, these scenarios have certainly come up more than once.


Power Girl

JSA Signal Device

Lets Power Girl alert the Justice Society of an emergency by emitting a global signal.

Classic Costume

Power Girl’s most famous (or infamous) costume. While it lacks any special properties, the boob window is useful for distracting others, whether they’re men or women.

Gold Costume

A gold and white costume Power Girl began wearing during her time with Justice League Europe. It contains built-in, self-repairing nanites that repair any damage and turn water into air.

Atlantean Armor

A mystical set of armor carved from the flesh of the demon Scarabus. Power Girl could manifest it onto herself whenever she entered fits of extreme rage, usually when her son was threatened. Aside from that, it doesn’t have any special properties, and she can no longer summon it after passing it on to Equinox.

Black Suit

During her time with the Sovereign Seven, Power Girl was given a costume by their patron Mrs. Caraboo. Its fabric contains protective spells and wards that render her immune to all forms of harmful sorcery. However, this immunity doesn’t extend to the suit itself, as exposure to enough arcane energy can overload its circuits and risk burning her alive.

Nightwing Armor

A set of armor designed to resemble the Kryptonian god of shadows. Power Girl wore this when she and Supergirl went undercover to free the Bottle City of Kandor from the oppressive dictator Ultraman.

Due to Kandor’s lack of solar energy limiting her powers, the armor is designed to make up for this by simulating them. Its wings allow her to fly, and it seems to be capable of repairing itself, since it goes from having a hole in its chest to being fully restored next time we see it.

Gray Goo

An invention of Starrware Labs, this series of nanobots initially takes the form of a malleable fluid. It’s capable of performing complex tasks within a controlled environment, and its amorphous form allows it to shapeshift. The nanobots are capable of self-replicating, allowing them to regenerate from harm and repair damaged machines, such as cars.


A pair of clip-on earrings created by Nicco Cho, an expert in nanotechnology and proficient hacker. They act as cell phones, letting her communicate with her other employees at a higher bandwidth with only one-eighth the radio frequency of a cell phone.

They also let her communicate with Nicco from the safety of his lab, and their hidden cameras let him scan her surroundings in infrared vision or run diagnostics on opponents. With this and his access to restricted databases, he can relay Power Girl with any possible strengths or weaknesses an opponent may have.



Hyperion’s outfit is made from a specially treated synthetic stretch fabric and contains flexible armor around the lower torso. This costume was originally red, but the destruction of Earth-13034 permanently dyed it black.

Semi Truck

Hyperion’s main method of transportation in his civilian identity. It can reach a top speed of 80 mph and hauls a wide variety of products, ranging from apples to coffee beans.


Power Girl

Kryptonian Physiology

As a Kryptonian, Power Girl’s body contains a number of organs which lack analogues to those of humans, and her body’s cells are capable of absorbing yellow solar radiation. This serves as the source of her powers, and the closer she is to any source of this energy, the stronger these powers become. She can even use her powers when it isn’t available, though they will fade overtime if she fails to reach another source. And as long as she has enough solar energy, she won’t need to eat, sleep, or even breathe. She’s even been shown to breathe and communicate while in the vacuum of space.

However, Kryptonians aren’t limited to absorbing yellow solar radiation. While red solar energy robs them of their powers, blue will enhance them and grant them new ones, like giving their powers to other species. Violet suns let them psychically conjure items into existence. And under a white star, they’re granted tactile telekinesis and a permanent power boost that eclipses what they’d gain under a blue star! They can even absorb other forms of energy like anti-sunlight or explosions.

But the most impressive effects come from absorbing a quasar. In doing so, a Kryptonian will gain “power beyond imagining,” granting them a far wider range of abilities.They can create astral projections that can only be perceived by specific people, teleport themselves and others, cast illusions, shrink others, control and fry minds with a thought, form psionic constructs and psychic barriers, and gain telekinesis capable of restraining others, holding them in stasis, and disassembling matter at the molecular level. They even gain the ability to manipulate time, letting them see into the past, travel to and simultaneously exist across other timelines, and create and reshape new timelines.

Kryptonians also possess a longer lifespan than most humans, and as long as she remains under a yellow sun, Karen will remain in her prime. Even in alternate timelines where she was deprived of sunlight, one version was still alive 112 years later with no ill effects, while another was still around 400 years into the future (though constant exposure to radiation left her ugly, blind, senile, powerless, and decrepit). And rather depressingly, this version (known as Old Karrie) admits that even in this state, she couldn’t die of natural causes.

While these abilities apply to all Kryptonian, Earth-Two Kryptonians like Power Girl function a bit differently from the rest. Aside from absorbing solar radiation, their powers are also the result of Earth having a lighter gravitational pull compared to Krypton, which magnified the preexisting superpowers they had on their home planet. However, while they maintained these powers under Krypton’s red sun, close exposure to red solar energy will still drain them.

Alternate Universe Physiology

As an inhabitant from another universe, Power Girl’s got some additional physical quirks. Her DNA possesses a different vibrational frequency, which registers her as non-Kryptonian to most scanners, and repeated attempts to analyze her will show different results each time. This is even shown to apply to her clone.

This physiology also ties into her Kryptonian DNA, since alternate Kryptonians are immune to Kryptonite if it isn’t native to their universe.


A form of martial arts focusing on jabs, crosses, hooks, and uppercuts. It also employs the use of dodges to avoid attacks, with multiple variations like swooping, weaving, or the dempsey roll. To become efficient at boxing, practitioners need high levels of endurance and a massive threshold for pain.


A form of martial arts that mainly focuses on punches, kicks, elbow and knee strikes, and open hand techniques. Practitioners of Karate (called karateka) often combine these moves with grappling, joint manipulations, locks, restraints/traps, throws, and strikes to vital points.

Karen has received training from Mongo Krebs, a martial arts instructor who taught her basic self-defense techniques. She’s skilled enough that within a month of training, she’d progressed further than Krebs’ thousands of previous students.


Before she got the hang of flying, Power Girl had to cross long distances by leaping through the air. Like the Earth-Two Superman, she can leap tall buildings in a single bound, and can cross entire miles by jumping.


By manipulating the graviton particles in her body, Power Girl can defy the forces of gravity and achieve flight. This can also be used to let her hover or move in any direction.

Invulnerability and Enhanced Immunity

Thanks to the interaction between her dense molecular structure and supercharged bio-electric aura, Power Girl is nigh-invulnerable to extreme energy forces. Her body’s molecules are so dense that not even her skin or open wounds can be pierced by man made blades and lasers. This also protects her from toxins, diseases, alcoholism, and drugs. Even after being weakened from surgery, her body still heals at a rapid rate.

This immunity is even displayed in an alternate future, where she was immune to a series of nanobytes that turn their victims into OMAC units.

Heat Vision

Power Girl can consciously fire beams of intense heat at a target by looking at it. These beams are composed of red solar energy and stated to possess a 100,000 watt output. They’re strong enough to threaten heavy hitters like Black Adam, Supergirl, and Superboy-Prime; and can become stronger depending on how much solar energy she’s absorbed.

She can alter the heat and area of effect at will, allowing her to unleash massive blasts that burn enemies and knock them away; or small, precise beams for shaving, surgery, amputation, castration, or lobotomies. She can even use it to carve out messages, evaporate rain, harm intangible beings, bypass the durability of indestructible beings, or seal off a spatial warp connecting two dimensions.

Electromagnetic Spectrum Vision

Power Girl can see into most of the electromagnetic spectrum. She can see and identify radio and television signals as well as all other broadcast or transmitted frequencies. Using this ability, she can avoid detection by radar or satellite monitoring methods. This also allows her to see the aura generated by every living thing.

Telescopic Vision

This allows Power Girl to see something at a great distance without violating the laws of physics. In essence, it allows her to zoom in on something, similar to a camera. She can see 50 blocks away, scan all of New York for a secret lab while in orbit, see past the stars, and use it to scan for fingerprints. She can even use it in tandem with her x-ray vision to investigate a crime scene.

X-Ray Vision

With this ability, Power Girl can see through any volume of matter except lead. She’s able to see behind a solid, opaque object as if it wasn’t there, and she can focus this ability to "peel back" an object’s layers, letting her observe hidden images or inner workings. She’s able to see through bodies, can see people and structural damage through a thick smokescreen and can even use see through illusions.

Microscopic Vision

Lets Power Girl see matter down to the atomic level.

Infrared Vision

Allows Power Girl to view her surroundings with perfect acuity, even in total darkness. She can even use it to track heat signatures from invisible enemies.

Super Hearing

Power Girl’s hearing is sensitive enough that she can hear any sound at any volume or pitch. By concentrating, she can block out ambient sounds to focus on a specific source or frequency. She can hear villainous laughter or cries for help from across town, make out Oracle’s voice even through her filters, hear other people’s heartbeats even through a layer of amber, hear millions of people panicking across New York, hear energy emanating from an invisible fortress, triangulate positions based on her voice emerging from speakers, and can hear traffic in Hong Kong despite being in a completely separate dimension.

Super Breath

Also called "freeze breath," "ice breath," "ultra breath," and "arctic breath”; this ability lets Power Girl create hurricane-like gusts of wind by exhaling. She can chill the air as it escapes her lungs to freeze her target, or reverse this process to pull large volumes of air or vapor into her lungs.

Her super breath is able to douse fires, freeze technology, machines, and tidal waves; find real people within illusions, dispel cloaking devices, and weaken the durability of indestructible beings.

Super Ventriloquism

Allows Power Girl to throw her voice across a great distance to reach a specific location or individual. It can be used to call others from far away, and is so convincing it can make inanimate objects appear sentient.


After the multiverse was erased during Crisis on Infinite Earths, Power Girl was among the only ones who could recall her old history. Apparently this is because she’s considered a living paradox whose time and world no longer exist. During the events of Camelot Falls, it was confirmed explicitly that Power Girl is the same person as her Pre-Crisis self after COIE.

Even in her Atlantean period, she still showed signs of this. When a 70th century time traveler altered the timeline, Karen could still remember her past relationships with Guy, Hal, and Wally.

Dimensional Travel

While she never shows the ability to do this on panel, Earth-One Superman says that both he and Power Girl are capable of escaping Maaldor’s dimension.

She would later display this ability nearly 40 years later as part of her astral punching.

Non-Physical Interaction

Power Girl has regularly shown that she can physically interact with beings that have no physical form, like an elemental made of fire, ghosts, or shadows. She can even do this with her heat vision.

Physics Manipulation

Was somehow able to contain a spaceship’s explosion.


Also called the Sonic Boom Clap, it’s created by Power Girl clapping both hands faster than the speed of sound. The resulting sonic boom is capable of knocking away and incapacitating an army of monsters.

Berserker State

Not necessarily a power per se, but whenever her rage hits its peak, Power Girl will stop holding back and start using her full power. In this state, her strength skyrockets, allowing her to take on the entire Justice League International.

Even before this became an established power, her rage once let her overload handcuffs that were specifically designed to contain her full strength.


Originally a power unique to her time as an Atlantean, Power Girl once possessed a psychic link with Equinox, who would generate a nigh-indestructible shield to protect her and any nearby allies whenever she attempted to fight or was endangered. This link vanished after his death.

This power would be reestablished 29 years later during Lazarus Planet, when her exposure to Lazarus Resin awakened her latent psionic abilities. This granted her the ability to telepathically communicate with others, sense mental attacks, and gave her a psychic link with Omen; although that last one was severed during a fight with Johnny Sorrow.

Astral Punching

A subset of her telepathic abilities, Karen can enter the astral plane and dive into another person’s subconscious by punching her way in.

Each of these “mindscapes” are completely different, but Karen’s abilities while inside them remain the same. She can fixerrors” in a person’s “mental code,” to alleviate past traumas or free them from psychic attacks. However, this “decoding” could potentially harm them depending on how she handles the “code.”

It can also be used in the physical plane, though it’s limited to dispelling illusions and teleporting herself or others to different locations, including other dimensions. Even in this more limited state, her range is wide enough that she can reach anywhere from Earth’s core to the depths of space or even the Sun.


Eternal Physiology

As an Eternal, Hyperion’s cells contain specialized enclaves that allow him to absorb and store solar energy. This serves as the source of his powers and his only means of nourishment, meaning he has no need for food, water, or oxygen. This has the added bonus of letting him breathe in the vacuum of space.

His body has also drastically decreased the rate at which he ages, ensuring that he’ll remain in his prime for longer than most humans. Additionally, it’s been implied he’s unable to die of natural causes, as he once described himself as “unbound by age and death.”

His mind consists of a nonlinear photonic array that stores his memories in light. This lets him instantaneously recall any memory and experience them just as vividly as the present.

Hand-to-Hand Combat

Despite lacking any formal training, Hyperion has shown a proficiency with hand-to-hand combat, particularly with grappling. He’s been shown to hold his own against experienced fighters like Thorr and Namor.


By manipulating the gravitons in his body, Hyperion can defy the forces of gravity and achieve flight. This lets him levitate in midair and fly in any direction, with a top speed of 17,000 mph.

Atomic Vision

Hyperion can consciously fire beams of concentrated heat just by looking at a target. These beams can reach up to 12,000° F and travel at the speed of light. They’re strong enough to harm the likes of the Hulk, an alternate Thor, Iron Man, Super Skrull, and Namor.

He can alter the heat and area of effect at will, letting him unleash concentrated blasts that can disintegrate bodies and destroy part of a forest; or small, precise beams for decapitation.

Electromagnetic Spectrum Vision

Hyperion can see into the electromagnetic spectrum and notice any shifts within it.

Telescopic Vision

This allows Hyperion to see something at a greater distance without violating the laws of physics. In essence, it allows him to zoom in on something, similar to a camera. Its range is wide enough that while in deep space he can still see coral reefs, bees, deserts, and individual people. He can also see fingerprints on metal, as well as individual hairs, bricks, road signs, and faces from sky level. He can even see motes of dust and pollen vibrating in the air.

X-Ray Vision

Using this, Hyperion can peer through solid objects, allowing him to view any people or hidden items that may be inside.

Microscopic Vision

Lets Hyperion see matter down to the atomic level and beyond. He can focus this ability to “peel back” an object’s layers, letting him analyze DNA even from space and see electrons orbiting nuclei.

Vacuum Breath

Hyperion can pull large volumes of air into himself by inhaling. He’s used this ability to clear a room of poisonous gas.

Enhanced Hearing

Hyperion’s hearing is sensitive enough that he can hear any sound, such as a person’s muscles relaxing, fingers scraping against objects, or a distress signal from across the country,

Healing Factor

In the event that he’s injured, Hyperion can channel solar photons through his body to repair the damages. He’s used this to nearly instantly regenerate his eyes after they were gouged out by worms.


Power Girl


As a Kryptonian, Karen is able to absorb high doses of solar radiation with no ill effects and is unaffected by the vacuum of space, which would expose her to cosmic radiation. Even in an alternate future where she lost her powers, she still survived constant exposure to the irradiated landscape.

Extreme Heat and Extreme Cold:

Has regularly shown that she can interact with and be submerged in lava, been blasted by heat vision, encased in ice, flown through the vacuum of space (which can reach as low as 2.7 Kelvin), and withstood Antarctic temperatures with no issue. She also never feels cold.


Has stated that poisons are unable to harm her, and was unaffected when the oxygen around her was transmuted into cyanide. She’s also withstood being attacked by Plague, whose mere presence leaves all around him hideously ill.


It’s established in Infinite Crisis that Kryptonians from other universes aren’t affected by Kryptonite unless it comes from their home dimension. Since Power Girl’s from the same universe as Earth-Two Superman (shown in the first scan) and is unaffected by Red Kryptonite, this should apply to her as well.

Even on her own Earth, she was able to resist its effects. Despite constant exposure to two Kryptonite suns, she could still use her powers for some time, enough that Vandal Savage could drain them for himself.

And in an alternate future of Earth-Two, it took weeks of exposure (via time acceleration) to weaken her enough that a gunshot would kill her.

Mental Manipulation and Illusions:

Has multiple showings of resisting mental attacks and illusions.

Atomic Manipulation:

Was completely unaffected despite repeated blasts from rays that rearrange atoms.

Existence Erasure:

When the Adjudicator began erasing all life in the multiverse, Power Girl- among ten other heroines- was affected slower than everyone else.

Death Manipulation:

Was blasted by Maaldor’s eye beams, which drain the life force from their target, and was only briefly stunned. When she recovers, Power Girl implies this is something all Kryptonians can resist.

Later on, she withstands a stronger life drain from a god of death, though it weakens her.

Soul Manipulation and Corruption:

Power Girl’s body could still function after her soul was separated from it. She also resisted Synjin infecting her soul with bloodlust, which was supposed to make her attack the Sovereign Seven, but instead caused her to focus her efforts on him.

Empathic Manipulation:

When all of New York was hit by a fear-inducing sonic attack, Power Girl resisted it through sheer willpower. She was also immune to Vartox’s seduction musk.

Gravity Manipulation:

Broke out of Ultra-Humanite’s gravity restraints, which acted as a conduit for Earth’s gravitational pull. She’s also survived being crushed at the cellular level by a gravity well.

Power Draining:

Is still capable of using her powers in instances where her solar energy was being drained, though a stronger power drain temporarily weakens her.

Battlefield Removal:

With how her astral punching functions, Power Girl should be able to counter battlefield removal.



Thanks to his Eternal physiology, Hyperion can absorb high doses of solar radiation with no ill effects and is unaffected by the vacuum of space, which would expose him to cosmic radiation. He’s also survived attacks from the Jim Hammond Human Torch, whose flames are radioactive.

Extreme Heat and Extreme Cold:

His body remains completely unaffected by temperatures from -455 to 11,000 degrees Fahrenheit, and he’s withstood Antarctic temperatures and the vacuum of space with no issue.


Used his super breath to inhale a room full of poisonous gas and was unaffected.

Sonic Attacks:

Was completely unphased by a sonic cannon capable of liquefying stone and melting granite.

Mental Manipulation (questionable):

Big Bally’s hypnotic voice was unable to affect Hyperion or Thundra. However, the same page suggests that his powers weren’t working at the time due to brain damage.


Power Girl


  • Has been a member of the Super Squad, Justice Society of America, Infinity Inc, Justice League Europe, Justice League International, New Extremists, Sovereign Seven, Justice League of Amazons, Justice League of Atlantis, Justice Society International and Justice Arcana (in an alternate timeline), and JSA All-Stars.
  • On her first outing, she helped the Justice Society stop a volcanic eruption and an earthquake in Peking, China
  • Destroyed her Symbioship after it became sentient and tried to merge with her.
  • Took on the civilian identity of software engineer Karen Starr and became head of her own company, Starrware Industries
  • Won a race against Jay Garrick, the Golden Age Flash.
  • Helped Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Starfire, Wonder Girl, and Huntress fight the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and their leader, the Adjudicator.
  • Fought the universe conqueror Maaldor the Darklord with Earth-One Superman
  • Became a founding member of Infinity, Inc.
  • Helped clear the Justice Society’s name after its members had been accused of committing treason during World War 2
  • Survived the destruction of the multiverse and being implanted into the unified New Earth.
  • Helped prevent the universe’s destruction in 1945 after Doctor Fate merged her and the rest of the JSAers with the Norse gods during Ragnarok.
  • Defeated Weaver, the Atlantean Lord of Chaos, and his creations Force, Hurricane, Blaine, and Khater.
  • Defeated a doppelganger of herself created from dark magic.
  • Helped the JSA defeat the Justice League after they were mind controlled by the Ultra-Humanite.
  • Distracted Toyman (Hiro Okamura).
  • Helped Guy Gardner and Mary Marvel fight the Power Posse, the Super Buddies’ S&M counterparts from a universe of evil strippers.
  • Rediscovered her Kryptonian origins and reunited with her Earth’s Superman and Lois.
  • Took on the identity of Nightwing to protect the Bottle City of Kandor from Ultraman.
  • Became chairwoman of the JSA.
  • Reopened Starrware Industries and began working to improve humanity.
  • Stopped Ultra-Humanite from destroying Manhattan.
  • Defeated the IX Negaspike with help from Vartox.
  • Helped Vartox repopulate his home planet by generating a pregno-ray.
  • Fought Divine, a perfect clone of her, to a stalemate.
  • Took down the Justice League International while brainwashed by Maxwell Lord.
  • Completed Calculator’s global trio of challenges within 59 seconds.
  • Had a rematch with Divine and defeated her off-panel.
  • Was voted “Sexiest Hero of the Year” by Rolling Stone.
  • Has the largest bust size in the superhero community.









  • The last surviving Eternal of Earth-13034.
  • On Earth, graduated high school and went on to join the Squadron Supreme.
  • Was offered a place in the Avengers ranks.
  • Rescued Ex Nihilo, Abyss, & Aleph.
  • Studied and educated the Children of the Sun, a race created from the Origin Bomb.
  • Join da Costa's Avengers team to investigate the Incursions.
  • Was a part of the Multiversal Avengers for some time.
  • Temporarily faced off against two Beyonders.
  • Destroyed Atlantis and killed Namor the Sub-Mariner.
  • Battled the Human Torch.
  • Destroyed Doctor Druid’s mind-controlling crystal.
  • Tested the Planetary Defense Shield to fight back against Thanos.
  • Aided Earth’s heroes against a Chtauri invasion.





Power Girl

Earth-Two Superman

More colloquially known as Golden Age Superman, Power Girl has helped him destroy a force field he couldn’t destroy on his own, fought him on even ground while he was essentially bloodlusted, and has taken hits from him in this same state. Even years later when he was amped by a Black Lantern ring, she still matched his strength and survived his attacks.


Earth-One Superman

Also called Silver Age Superman or Pre-Crisis Superman. Maaldor refers to him and Power Girl as the two mightiest beings in the multiverse and believes them to be the only ones capable of challenging his power. This would imply they are on a comparable level.

  1. Superman defeated Maaldor after he’d become a living universe
  2. He later did this again when Maaldor’s consciousness threatened to collapse and destroy the multiverse
  3. His clash with Jaxon the Mighty restored an infinite number of timelines
  4. As Superboy, he towed a galaxy of planets across the universe
  5. Was one of the 50 heroes the Anti-Monitor absorbed the powers of so he could destroy the multiverse (See above)
  6. Flew to a dead universe to sneeze, destroying a solar system in the process (Infinite speed)
  7. Broke the bonds of infinity to catch up to Supergirl (Infinite speed)
  8. Flew to the edge of a collapsing universe while Blackstarr reset its boundaries (At least MFTL+, possibly Infinite)


See the above explanation for Earth-One Superman.

  • Maaldor’s profile in Who’s Who #14 says he can destroy galaxies with a thought, so his casual attacks (which Power Girl has survived) should be stronger than that
  • Following his first defeat, he became a living universe, and his consciousness threatened to collapse and destroy the multiverse (See above)

Post-Crisis Superman

A weakened Power Girl is said to still be on par with this era of Superman, and she’s shown knocking him out and taking hits from him both in this weakened state and while regaining her former power.

  1. Superman’s absorbed the anti-sunlight that powered the Mageddon bomb, which could vaporize half a galaxy and was so dangerous that God’s angels were preparing to create a new universe if it detonated
  2. Fought Nebula Man, a living universe
  3. Shattered the boundaries of spacetime and endangered two universes while clashing with Earth-Two Superman (see above)
  4. He later beat down Black Lantern Earth-Two Superman, who was stronger than when he was alive, while also taking hits from him and matching his heat vision
  5. Has repeatedly shown that he can harm and take hits from Dominus, who has multiversal reality warping
  6. Was able to shatter an infinite number of universes by flying
  7. Flew from Vega to Earth in a short timeframe
  8. Superman and Supergirl’s brains operate at 1/1000th the power of Brainiac’s, whose Coluan brain can process 70 times seven octodecillion beings (6.5 quindecillion c for Superman and Supergirl, 6.5 sexdecillion c for Brainiac)
  9. Superman, Jay Garrick, and Wally West ran through the timestream to go from the 64th century back to the present (Immeasurable)

Post Crisis Supergirl

Power Girl has fought her several times and been directly compared to her, either being equal in strength or stronger and faster.

Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman has admitted that Power Girl is at least as strong and as fast as her. Even during Power Girl’s Atlantean era, her raw strength let her harm and disembowel Scarabus, who’d previously no-sold Wonder Woman’s punches and one-shot her.

Captain Atom

Power Girl has regularly shown that she can harm him, even during the period where her strength was drastically nerfed.


Power Girl has casually no-sold his strongest hits and knocked him out cold.


Power Girl has shown the ability to harm him and taken hits from his magic, both of which happened while he was doubly amped by mystical items like the Starheart and Dr. Fate’s helmet.

The Flashes and Zoom

Jay Garrick has explicitly stated he couldn’t match Power Girl’s endurance, and in their later years he admits she’s surpassed him in speed. She’s also harmed Wally West, was unharmed by an explosion that knocked him out, and has both harmed and taken hits from his nemesis, Zoom.

Green Lanterns

Whether it’s Guy Gardner, Hal Jordan, or Alan Scott, Power Girl’s been able to harm them, destroy their constructs, or take hits from them.

The Marvel Family and Black Adam

Power Girl’s matched the strength of Captain Marvel and Mary Marvel while they had the powers of Black Adam, taken hits from Mary, and casually took down their evil counterparts, who were comparable to Mary. She’s also harmed Black Adam with her physical blows and heat vision, and taken hits from him while he was bloodlusted.


Power Girl has explicitly harmed him with both her physical blows and heat vision.


Anything listed here can be summed up as “Power Girl is superior to the characters that performed these feats.”



Hyperion’s taken hits from a mind-controlled Hulk and casually one-shot him.


Hyperion’s harmed Thor, taken blasts of lightning from him; one-shot Terminus, who pushed Thor to his limits, and helped fight an alternate Thor.

Iron Man

Hyperion’s destroyed his more advanced armors with atomic vision and harmed Tony with his blows.


Hyperion’s fought him, took hits from him, and killed him.

Super Skrull and the Fantastic Four

Hyperion’s blasted Super Skrull with his atomic vision and knocked him out with physical blows. Super Skrull has the same powers as the Fantastic Four and has been directly compared to them numerous times. And since Hyperion’s fought Human Torch, he should scale to their feats as well.


Blue Marvel

Blue Marvel’s admitted he’d have to use brawn if he wanted to challenge Hyperion, and they were shown to be even in strength when they fought.

Earth-712 Hyperion

Though the two Hyperions have never interacted, it is still possible to draw some comparisons between the two of them. Like Earth-13034, this Hyperion has also harmed Thor and taken hits from him. He’s also shown similar planetary feats to 13034’s, with Quasar #54 having him exert “planet pulverizing force” against Gladiator.


Anything listed here can be summed up as “Hyperion is superior to the characters that performed these feats.”


Power Girl

Despite all of Power Girl’s accomplishments, she isn’t invincible. She’s admitted to being extremely stubborn, headstrong, and brash; and her diet soda allergies only make this worse. This attitude has often led to her running into battle guns blazing, and while she’s no stranger to strategizing mid-fight, she prefers a more head-on approach.

It was also implied at one point that her time in the Symbioship left her with claustrophobia, though she eventually overcame this with therapy and now only sees it as an annoyance.

Aside from emotional weaknesses, her Kryptonian physiology also has its fair share of downsides. While she can resist the effects of her Earth’s Kryptonite, that doesn’t mean she’s completely immune to it. It still weakens her and drains her powers, just at a slower rate, and prolonged exposure will eventually kill her. And while it doesn’t share the lethality, exposure to red solar radiation will produce similar effects.

She also lacks any natural defenses against magic, which can bypass her invulnerability and affect her in ways she would otherwise resist. And while her super hearing is extremely potent, it also makes her particularly vulnerable to sonic attacks.

In terms of more consistent weaknesses, it’s been shown on numerous occasions that Power Girl lacks any natural defenses against magic, which can bypass her invulnerability and affect her in ways she would otherwise resist. And while her super hearing is extremely potent, it also makes her particularly vulnerable to sonic attacks.

But that’s not the only weakness her physiology has. Because she hails from another universe, there was a brief period of time where the current universe struggled to fit her into its history. This resulted in strange occurrences like her memories being altered, her physiology changing, her powers fluctuating. and experiencing one-off “fluke vulnerabilities,” such as being vulnerable to natural materials, her powers glitching out around the current Supergirl, or being weakened by Kryptonite when she wasn’t even Kryptonian at the time. However, this stopped being an issue after she rediscovered her Pre-Crisis history.

Outside of physical weaknesses, Karen’s shown a particular vulnerability to mental attacks. You wouldn’t think it with how many times she’s resisted its effects, but there have been plenty of times where she’s fallen victim to mind control, brainwashing, or possession.


While Hyperion is a complete badass, he’s not without his flaws, the most notable one being the source of his power. If he isn’t exposed to a star or is somehow cut off from sunlight, his powers will instantly disappear. This can also happen if he’s exposed to magic or sterile neutrinos, whose dark radiation cancels out solar energy.

And while his regeneration makes it a temporary issue, damage to his eyes will prevent him from using his atomic vision.

In terms of more debatable weaknesses, it’s possible he may share his other counterparts’ vulnerabilities to Argonite and Vibranium. However, this is only speculation since this Hyperion was never exposed to either.


Power Girl

  • Comparable in AP and durability
  • Faster if we stick to finite speed feats, roughly even if infinite/immeasurable feats are used
  • Superior hand-to-hand skill due to having formal training
  • Has fought opponents similar to Hyperion before (Superman, Supergirl, Divine, miscellaneous Kryptonians)
  • More intelligent in terms of strategizing mid-combat
  • Teleportation and flight give her better mobility
  • Would still retain her powers if the fight was taken somewhere without sunlight
  • Astral punching could let her attack Hyperion’s mind or BFR him
  • Nicco’s analysis skills could give her more info on how to beat Hyperion…
  • Her constantly shifting physiology negates Hyperion’s microscopic vision
  • The 2009 series is peak Power Girl. Seriously, you guys should go read it
  • Her writing under Gerry Conway, Jimmy Palmiotti, and Judd Winick
  • Amanda Conner’s artwork
  • Inspired the creation of Galatea in the DCAU, despite Power Girl herself already being part of it



  • Comparable in AP and durability
  • Comparable in speed if infinite/immeasurable feats are used…
  • More intelligent in terms of researching and analyzing others
  • Super hearing cancels out any advantages Power Girl could gain by relying on Nicco
  • Unlike his opponent, he actually got to raise his children
  • His children aren’t the product of incest

  • While less common, his weaknesses are more exploitable
  • …But gets blitzed if we stick to finite speed feats
  • Less showings of strategizing mid-battle
  • Inferior hand to hand skill
  • Would be completely fucked if the fight was taken somewhere without sunlight
  • Microscopic vision is nullified by Power Girl’s shifting physiology
  • Has no counter to astral punches
  • Chuck Wendig’s writing in his solo series
  • Can’t decide if he should be a blond, brunette, or redhead
  • Is currently MIA and hasn’t been seen since 2017



(This is technically a tease to Br3ndan’5 next blog. You’ll learn eventually.)

Yes I am shilling a series I love. I’m in a Marvel vs DC blog, I think I earned it.

I should probably begin by noting the big elephant in the room. Stats. DC and Marvel are essentially huggy-wuggy with stats, to the point it doesn’t seem to matter as much. But Power-Girl has a lot more edges in this regard. She’s more experienced with Supermen, Kryptonians, various Flashes, and more. She has a bigger, better rogue of clashing with the mighty meds of DC compared to Hyperion’s more limited interactions.

Hyperion’s scaling’s a lot more limited in scope. It requires different iterations, which don’t always line up with those who can punch the best and run the fastest. Power-Girl has better scaling edges, to the point I’d say she’s better by a tiny bit.

Regarding powers and skills, I’d say that’s where PowGirl begins cradling Hyperion to bed. And I mean hard. Super hearing? PG’s better speed kinda knocks his socks off, even if both are immeasurable. One’s just betterly immeasurable. Hand-to-hand? Hyperion didn’t get proper training, PG would knock his socks off with actual training in both boxing and karate. Visions and breaths? They cancel out, meaning it's outsped hearing against actual learned skills.

Sure, Hyper’s got impressive skills and stuff. But intellect is still a big problem for him. Power Girl would be able to take advantage of his flaws and eventually take him down. She has more powers and actual defenses in armors and stuff to hold off. And the fuck is Big Rig from Big Rigs Racing gonna do against a Kryptonian?!

And just to note, Hyperion’s regeneration won’t save him. This is literally Power Girl’s Gold Costume. She puts that on, uses his own trick against him, and g-heckin’-g

Hyperion? More like Hypergoner.

…Okay I’m sorry.


(Art ain’t mine, don’t @ me)

Well… this is new to me… Ah well, may as well start somewhere.

So, to start things off, the main reason why Marvel vs DC match-ups are so dull: The stats. It doesn't matter how you go regarding it, Karen and Marcus are practically equals. They’ve both got their fair share of cosmic feats that perfectly showcase just how powerful they are; but then you take into account the MANY powerful forces they’ve themselves against.

Destruction of an infinite multiverse? I’ve lost count.

Speeds that exceed the flow of time itself? Been there.

Trying to understand who could get the better of the other purely from a physical standpoint is a pointless debate, so we’ll have to scan the rest of the isolation to see who can perceive the other in a 2x4.

… My brain is currently dead, don’t judge me.

Basically, you’d have to learn about them in ways that aren’t limited to ‘How strong you lift?’ or ‘What fast your feet run?’

… And that is pretty much where Power Girl gets the better end of the stick.

Hyperion is certainly a formidable fighter, stacking up against skilled foes like Thor and Namor despite the lack of any real skill or training. But that’s just it, Hyperion isn’t a trained fighter. Power Girl not only has many instances of facing down skilled fighters like Wonder Woman and Superman, but has received actual training in the use of martial arts.

Their abilities are pretty on par with one another, but Power Girl once again edges out. They got the basic stuff, such as eye beams, super breath, enhanced vision which pretty much cancels the other out, although Karen’s constantly shifting physiology means Hyperion wouldn’t be able to gain any understanding of how Power Girl’s body works. From that, it would seem that there’s no way that Karen could possibly come out on top.

Except there’s one power in Power Girl’s ever evolving/rewritten repertoire that could most certainly hand her a win.

Astral Punching.

This one-of-a-kind, next level bullshit is exactly what Power Girl needs to screw with Hyperion in ways he can’t ever prepare for. Mess with his mind to the point of severely damaging it, or sending him to another dimension, neither of which Hyperion has shown to be able to resist or possesses a counter for.

Karen and Marcus are, at best, equals in every physical way, as per the status quo of DC and Marvel Herald fights, but with Karen’s greater fighting prowess, less exploitable weaknesses, and just the mere existence of astral punching, Karen will show Hyperion the girl power in Power Girl.

… Yes.


This is my first time ever writing one of these, but I’ve been following both characters for quite a while. I would like to point out that I somewhat treat the original Earth-712/Earth-S variant as essentially the same person as Earth-13034’s that Brendan has covered in the blog so thoroughly. Mark was rebooted into Marcus, and in so many other depictions in-between ranging from Exiles’ King Hyperion to every mobile game, his classic appearance from the original Squadron Supreme storyline is depicted with the classic costume from the Mark Gruenwald epic as much as the grey one focused on in his appearances we discuss today, all with the name Marcus. I feel this is fair enough to apply to him as many discussed retcons are applied to Power Girl, but for the sake of fairness, I don’t necessarily think it changes the outcome, so I’ll stick to what Brendan has discussed in the rest of the blog.

Power Girl’s longer exposure in comics (ba dum tss) definitely gives her more to work with in terms of her power set and advantages. Even if you gave her every weakness she’s ever had, at the same time, she has so many feats of strength or scales to characters that they may as well not matter. Multiple Supermen? Check. Multiple Lanterns? Check. Canonically punching out Wonder Woman? Check. Being faster than a guy who can break the time barrier even in his old age? That’s one heck of a Check right there. And one more I’ll get to in a moment.

Compare this to Hyperion. His scaling isn’t too shabby either, however, it has some limits. Hulk is the strongest one there is… but not at the time he had scaled to Hyperion, as Immortal Hulk hadn’t started yet. Meaning he cannot take blows from someone who had gained the ability to actively harm The One Above All, at least, not provably. Thor hadn’t taken the power of the Odinforce and created the Thorforce yet, Iron Man’s suits hadn’t gotten as far as the Godkiller armor yet, Namor’s most impressive stuff had a caveat or else scaled to those like the Hulk, the list goes on.

As far as stuff that can be directly compared between the two, we have Power Girl being able to keep blows with Captain Atom, who can create and destroy universes by complete accident. Conversely, we have the very event that gave us the Hyperion we focus on today, with Hyperion holding back two universes from collapsing against one another. The unstoppable forces meet one immovable object and they both give, the universes destroyed but him relenting in the middle between them. Yes, he’s fought Hulk and yes, Hulk did punch Onslaught enough to take out a universe, and yes, Beyonders exist. But how many feats can I bring up for Flashes and Supermen? Even if PG can’t necessarily output the same strength, which she debatably can, she can easily keep up with those that do.

And then of course there’s just the talk of sheer probability, and for that I introduce astral punching. What does this have to do with probability, you ask? Simple: Power Girl can take the fight wherever she wants by going full America Chavez and punching a hole in spacetime. Ignore the mental side of things, as Hyperion likely can’t stand up to that anyhow. She can intentionally direct the fight wherever she wants, and for the sake of argument let’s presume it only goes as far as the solar system. So, the fight starts, they trade blows, dialogue, either of them cracks a crass joke, astral punch comes out and she has to direct it somewhere. She doesn’t know Hyperion’s weaknesses but she does know her own and would avoid sending them somewhere with them if she can avoid it, and she very well can.

Whether you believe Hyperion’s weakness is Vibranium, legally-distinct-Kryptonite known as Argonite, or whatever else he has ever been weak to, this can only go in her favor as there’s a nonzero chance she’ll redirect the fight where his weakness is and hers is not, rather than the other way around, and there’s nothing he can do to actively manipulate that. Not to mention that her weaknesses, at least the consistent ones, aren’t as debilitating to her as they are to Hyperion by any means. Other weaknesses shared, like a sensitivity to sonics and mental attacks, are more likely to be overcome by Peej than Hype given their track records.

In the end, I really like this matchup as it gives both characters an opponent that has had so much @#$% done to their history and continuity that any time we see them, and they aren’t in the hands of someone trying to score social media points like Leah Williams or Jason Aaron, I can’t help but appreciate everything they’ve been through. Plus it doesn’t just focus on Pee-Gee’s ‘Pee-Gees’ for twenty minutes or go “Superman but realistic and darker”, it’s a lot more complicated than that. I’m sick to death of both of them and these two just…they deserve better, man. And yes, before you ask, I refuse to call her Paige or acknowledge the LMD of him, I have my limits.

…but as far as the debate is concerned, there’s really only one way I see it going. Due to superior stat scaling and no distinct disadvantages that can be fully exploited by her opponent, compared to weaknesses that are more likely to show up naturally…

The winner is Power Girl.



My first blog project coming back from a two year hiatus in Texas! No less on a really great match-up that was better then what preconceived opinions I had on it. First I want to do a little splurge to help set the stage and hope people can look at this fight in a much cooler way;

After Goku vs Superman 3, gateways and crossroads worth of discussion about matches for people like them opened up; the recent Death Battle Cast featured another saiyan, Bardock, against Omni-Man, and more and more speculation grows as to which Dragon Ball character will hit the spotlight next, be it Gohan or Piccolo. Likewise, kryptonian matches have been brought up left and right, most notably She-Hulk vs Supergirl or Grand Regent Thragg vs General Zod. And somewhere at the bottom of the barrel, underneath Superboy-Prime’s weird MU spread and Superboy’s pretty shitty MU spread, you have this fight; Power Girl vs Hyperion. Sole survivors of not worlds, but universes that were as good as gone in the blink of an eye. In comic books, continuity and history are celebrated despite their glaring flaws, treated as events of their own that are meant to shake up the comic world and bring new readers to the scene with a fresh new take on some of your favorite heroes and villains. And unfortunately, the casualties for the events eclipse the greater picture. Their universes were eroded by a crisis and an incursion; with how much knowledge there is of a wider multiverse and beyond, losing your home, no matter how grand in scale, can leave you lost. Oftentimes people phrase their collective set of relationships or every way of life as their ‘universe’ however; and losing your universe, your then and now, can give you that yearning for home. And sometimes that is what happens; someone's ‘universe’ can become another's. A home away from home. Kara Zor-L and Marcus Milton had found just that when they came and saw the prime universes, and everything there was to experience; new relationships, new beginnings, new foes, and new chances. As heroes! Solar-powered heroes. Heroes that can stand tall with the Avengers and Justice League, and stand proud as leaders of their own teams, the Infinity Inc. and Squadron Supreme. All in all, this fight is a very interesting concept that represents a very touchy and confusing part of comics. And I’m all here for it.

Now who do I think wins this one? Cutting to the chase I think Power Girl has just about every advantage she needs. But with fights like these comes the regurgitation of a lot of feats that we have all heard for over three years now, so I do want to try and explain in my own unique way who I think wins, which to put it bluntly is saying who does it better, since these two function very similarly due to Power Girl being a kryptonian and Hyperion being inspired by the Man of Steel himself. So, let’s talk about stats.

Both of these characters have immense amounts of superhuman strength feats. And given their experience in combat is very much punch first, talk sorta in the middle and then keep punching, they’ve gotten their hands dirty with all sorts of characters. If you solely look at scaling, it is not hard to see why one would assume they are equal.

For every time Hyperion has grappled with Thor, you have Power Girl staggering and knocking down Superman.

Reverting the Hulk to Bruce Banner with one punch? Punching Wonder Woman, all the way to Canada.

Decapitating Namor the Sub-mariner? Knocking out Aquaman cold.

Fighting Justice League enemies like Despero and Amazo? Tearing off the High Evolutionary’s arm and harming Moonstone with atomic vision.

Fighting a Mordru-possessed Arion powered by Doctor Fate and Alan Scott’s multiversal Starheart? One-shotting Terminus, who pushed Thor to his limits (the same Thor that can break out of the Tesseract, a self-contained universe).

Being equal in strength if not stronger and faster than Supergirl? Blue Marvel’s admitted he’d have to use brawn if he wanted to challenge Hyperion.

You get the picture, From Lanterns to Skrulls, these two have time and time again put their names out there as some of DC and Marvel’s heaviest hitters. Their scaling puts them in comparability to the likes of Superman, Captain Atom, Thor, the Hulk, and much more. As far as their more individual feats though, Power Girl’s look and feel much more impressive, which is also in part due to her larger compiled history of feats. On a smaller sense of scale, one could argue generally that a Kryptonian is > then an Eternal. Which feels like an irrelevant comparison but hey, trying to make things more interesting. The most detail we have about Eternals would tell us their strength level and augmentations received, ranging from flight, telekinesis, telepathy, illusions, teleportation, molecular manipulation, and cosmic energy manipulation, along with immortality and regeneration, without going into too much detail as to how strong they generally are, and how strong their solar photon-based absorption makes them. Though core focus is placed on Eternals such as Ikaris, the same is said for Kryptonians like Zod or Supergirl. Even nameless kryptonians have demonstrated some surprisingly viable feats however. Krypton itself was referred to as the most dangerous planet in the omniverse three decades before the birth of Kal-El, and a group of Kryptonians assisted Superman and Supergirl in bludgeoning Doomsday to death, and have used their heat vision precisely enough to perform lobotomy.

Generally speaking, that’s a sense of scale to show that Power Girl simply has better feats and statements when it comes to scaling than Hyperion. Maaldor refers to Power Girl and Earth-One Superman as the strongest beings in the multiverse and believes they can challenge his power, which is backed up by Maaldor’s profile from Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory in the DC Universe #14 calling them the mightiest beings in the multiverse. She’s choked Green Lantern Guy Gardner so hard, Mary Marvel thought he would die quickly. She helped Supergirl, Linda Danvers, Cir-El, and Pre-Crisis Supergirl pull Superman out of the Source Wall. She was among the 50 heroes the Anti-Monitor absorbed the powers of so he could destroy the multiverse. She’s stated to be one of “youngest of the JSA-ers and perhaps the mightiest!”, which includes members such as Dr. Fate and Hourman. The narration calls her the physically strongest female on her Earth, which would be above the likes of Supergirl and Wonder Woman, and there is a similar statement by Rana, who researched the strengths and weaknesses of superpowered women and concluded that statistically speaking, Power Girl is the most powerful. Booster Gold calls her one of the most powerful beings on the planet and admits the JLI’s combined strength can’t even match a fourth of hers, and the JLI includes members such as Guy Gardner and Captain Atom. Captain Atom admitted she is as strong as she is, and even with her strength reduced she is confident she can still go toe to toe with him. And her Kryptonian might have been called a match for Superman, even with her powers reduced. But, Hyperion does not get too far behind with statements of his own, like when Superior Spider-Man admits Hyperion’s power is beyond most men’s comprehension, and Hyperion helping contribute to a team of heroes in testing the limits of a force-field that Captain America claims can stand up to Galactus or the Celestials. Iron Man says he’s as dangerous as a nuclear bomb.

But generally, Power Girl has much better statements regarding her power when stacked up against Hyperion’s, being regarded, in general, scaling or not, as one of the strongest beings in the multiverse. It adds onto the larger scaling and further proves she is even stronger, as her more ‘berserker mode’ demonstrates allows her to beat down on Captain Atom when unhinged, showing her power can get even stronger overtime, whereas with Hyperion the correlation isn’t clear with how strong he gets the more he absorbs. And likewise, their durability should scale to their strength. Both have impressive showings, such as tanking punches from a mind-controlled Hulk, or tanking multiple punches from Superman, further proving their scaling backs up their durability. Hyperion has a very impressive durability feat however, one seen many times, the incursion feat. An incursion is the simultaneous destruction of two universes, when the spatial boundaries segregating them are no longer stable, and eventually one, the other or both are destroyed, of which he survived, and though it appears this knocked him out, a flashback in Avengers #34.1 depicts him completely unharmed from the incursion. Furthermore, writer Jonathan Hickman an Incursion affects all universes in a given reality, which is an infinite number of realms in this case.

One thing many people have brought up in the past is the planets in the scans involving the incursion, saying that Hyperion couldn’t stop the planets from being destroyed, so why would he have multiversal durability? The narration seems to imply something different, saying that the planets had broken (likely due to Hyperion’s raw power), causing the realities to cave in and be destroyed. In other words, Hyperion not only didn’t fail to hold them back, but he broke them in the process, allowing the incursion to then follow. This feat as a raw durability feat is actually really good on its own, and compared to Power Girl’s from just a durability standpoint, would probably give the edge to him. Butttt, Power Girl also has similar durability feats implied through the others’ power, such as withstanding close proximity to Darkworld’s universal consciousness, or enduring the Adjudicator’s eye beams, of which have enough power to single-handedly erase all Earths in the multiverse. So in raw strength/durability, Power Girl has much more concrete statements and scaling.

Now when it comes to speed, I also give Power Girl the edge due to better showings and demonstrations of her own. Again, if you really include enough scaling you can easily call them both infinite/immeasurable and call it a day. But when looking at feats done just by themselves, Power Girl’s tend to look a lot better. Make no mistake, Hyperion has excellent speed feats too but the comparisons don’t lie. Both have feats of crossing and intersecting to and fro parts of the Earth, such as Hyperion flying to the edge of Earth’s orbit and back to Wisconsin or Power Girl flying from New York to the middle of the Atlantic in seconds, but the best feats for Hyperion after that would be seeing tics and expressions that last 1/125th of a second and flying through Terminus and removing its power source before Thor’s lightning can strike.

Not bad feats, but Power Girl has similar feats of moving so fast it isn’t realized, and beyond. She flies towards a bullet “before you can count the millionth part of a second” and catches it. She tackled Captain Atom so quickly that he and the other JLI members, and blitzed Wonder Woman while avoiding her Lasso of Truth, and within a few microseconds, she crosses a wide distance on New Genesis, which is so large its cities average a thousand miles wide, and the Earth would barely displace the waters of a small lake. And like many DC heralds, you can’t have speed feats without the Speed Force users noticing. Professor Zoom complimented her speed, and has raced Jay Garrick twice, losing the first one in a close one despite gaining the edge, but was able to beat him in the rematch with a half-step head start. Later, Jay Garrick admits Power Girl is faster than him, who ran through the timestream with Barry and Wally to go from the 64th century back to the present. When it comes to what feats are presented, Power Girl has shown a lot more experience in fighting combatants where speed is their forte, giving her an edge in experience when it comes to incalculable speed feats, of which Hyperion cannot compete with.

So as far as stats go, I comfortably would say Power Girl has better stats by virtue of experience and greater quantity of power statements, with speed being maybe more comparable but Power GIrl ultimately showing more precision in blitzing and fighting equally dangerous speedsters more consistently.

Next up I wanna talk about abilities.

As I said before, both of their abilities when shown side by side are very similar to each other, having powers that are based around their physiology. Power Girl is capable of absorbing yellow solar radiation and Hyperion’s cells contain specialized enclaves that allow him to absorb solar energy, and this gives them many traits such as functional longevity on both their ends, not needing to eat, sleep, or even need oxygen. Though ultimately this can act as a way of storing power for their other abilities, Power Girl’s by comparison still has better utility then Hyperion’s, as numerous suns can grant her different abilities varying from tactile telekinesis to item conjuring, and then there is their heat vision. Once again they’ve shown similar scaling feats. Power Girl’s used it on the likes of Black Adam and Superboy-Prime, whereas Hyperion has used it on people like Hulk and even decapitated Namor with his atomic vision. They also have similar effects, as both have demonstrated the ability to use disintegration and incineration on enemies, and have pretty concise control over how they shoot it, so they’re very similar there. Power Girl has used it for different uses such as cutting through space, but those aren’t very useful here. Same thing goes for all of their various electromagnetic visions:

X-Ray Vision: Both can use it to see through people, and Power Girl has used it to see through illusions but that isn’t very useful here, as Hyperion doesn’t use illusions.

Telescopic Vision: Both can see very vast distances such as Hyperion viewing people from deep space and Power Girl seeing past the stars.

Microscopic Vision: Allows both to see down to the atomic level.

Electromagnetic Spectrum Vision: Both can see across the electromagnetic spectrum, Hyperion can notice shifts in it and Power Girl can track heat signatures from enemies.

Super Hearing: Not a vision but they both also have this. Hyperion’s hearing is pretty impressive, being precise enough to hear a person’s muscles relaxing, but Power Girl’s showed a much greater range, like hearing traffic in Hong Kong despite being in a completely separate dimension.

And they also use super breath, Hyperion once used it to dispel a poisonous gas and Power Girl has used it in ways such as freezing technology, so Power Girl can use it in more than one way unlike Hyperion. And after that, the similarities kind of end because Hyperion’s main abilities are all pretty much talked about at that point, whereas Power Girl has a few more that give her the advantages.

Circling back to heat vision/solar energy, as stated before the more of it she absorbs the stronger she becomes, so much so she can enter an unhinged state where she no longer holds back and uses her full strength, of which was shown capable of overpowering Captain Atom in the scans here. Hyperion’s solar energy absorption can also be assumed to make him stronger the more of it he absorbs, but Power Girl’s has shown more positive effects, whereas Hyperion’s doesn’t show any effects in the first place. Hyperion does possess a healing factor that was able to instantly regenerate his eyes, but there aren’t much other showings suggesting he can come back from the brink of disintegration or regenerate from decapitation or severed limbs, so its not likely going to put a stop to being overpowered.

But the big and most recent ability is one known as astral punching. Now Power Girl has already shown before that she has the ability to warp space and punch it, ergo punching her way through dimensions, but recently that…took a bit of a turn. As of the Power Girl Special #1, she’s somehow combined her past as a brief telepath with her as a brawler, and now has the ability to enter the astral plane as a gateway to enter someones’ mind…by punching her way in. Nice. This was due to the Lazarus Pit event allowing Power Girl to absorb pieces of the astral plane into herself. Each person’s mindscape is different since well, every individual is different, and she retains her same kryptonian powers in this mindscape, with additional abilities such as adjusting or fixing mistakes in a person’s person’s “mental code”, said decoding could potentially harm them depending on how she tampers with it, and she can also teleport in or out of the mindscape, and when put against Hyperion, it seems pretty fatal to use. Hyperion’s only known mental resistance feat was potentially resisting hypnotic abilities from Big Bally. And I say potentially, because it's implied in that same page that Big Bally’s powers may have been temporarily damaged at the time due to brain damage. So there isn’t really an answer to this ability that Hyperion solidly has if you really argue their stats are comparable/equal. It is also worth noting that Power Girl also has a lot of other resistance feats, such as existence erasure and similar mental fortitude, but due to the simplicity of Hyperion’s power set, it isn’t really necessary to repeat what has been said since those resistances don’t come into question. Same with her acausality, as Hyperion doesn’t have abilities related to cause and effect or time travel. Oh and Power Girl can thunderclap but that won’t do too much.

Lastly, I’ll briefly go over combat and intelligence.

Generally, these two are pretty experienced fighters. Fighting people such as Thor, Namor, Superman, or Zod require competent enough experience and skill. Both have shown skill in many of their fights, and as far as specific learnings, Hyperion has demonstrated skill in grappling, whereas Power Girl has learned skills such as boxing, karate, and self-defense, becoming so skilled in the latter two that within a month of training, she’d progressed further than any student of Mongo Krebs, a martial arts master of 22 years. As far as pure intelligence and brilliance, both have shown many feats in their own right, this is one where Hyperion likely shines more so then Power Girl.

As mentioned before, Hyperion’s mind can instantaneously recall any memory almost as well as when it presently happened via a nonlinear photonic array that stores memories in light, and Hyperion has been able to calculate the impact point of one of Ex Nihilo's Origin Bombs when Avengers Tower's computers could not, even noting specific flaws in the computers' design while doing it. Power Girl, due to her kryptonian heritage is also more naturally hyper-intelligent then the average human, as Brainiac says Superman was “a level 8 cuckoo raised on alien soil by level 3 primitives”, and the ship that took baby Kal-El to Earth even assessed the Earthlings as “apes with atom bombs”. Power Girl once used her computational knowledge to free Keystone City from a limbo dimension despite using the computer of Brain Wave, a powerful telepath and intellect. Which is impressive, but Hyperion’s memory recall makes him a lot more brilliant, combined with his x-ray vision typically being used to assess things such as DNA codes.

Now in conclusion, I think Power Girl pretty solidly takes the win. Her physical strength and durability along with more plethora of resistances such as existence erasure, soul manipulation, corruption, and other make her a lot more tougher and stronger, with similar if not better scaling, along with more experience in using her abilities, being able to get stronger via solar energy absorption to enter a berserk state. Their powers are similar with Power Girl having more options to end the fight such as astral punching if you lean more into equalized stats, and while Hyperion is slightly more intelligent and brilliant, Power Girl takes experience due to a much larger history, along with better combat abilities. Unfortunately, Hyperion takes a pretty strong Zor-L…look Power Girl is a pretty basic name to come up with a pun for ok like bruh (on that note man I love the pantheon of DC and Marvel heroes but some of their names are so uncreative)-

The Winner is Power Girl.


First time doing a blog like this, so I wanted to start by thanking everyone who contributed to this blog and everyone who’s read this far. It really means a lot!

Funny thing about this blog is it wasn’t even going to be Power Girl vs Hyperion at first. I initially planned on having her fight Future Trunks until I was told that not only is Hyperion more thematic, but it’s actually a closer fight. And after researching both of these characters, I can safely say those comments were right. Then again, it’s a DC Herald versus a Marvel Herald. It being a close fight is kind of a given.

Starting off with their stats, both of them are in a similar range. Both have tangled with some of the mightiest beings in their respective universes, challenging its strongest heroes, and contended with beings that can destroy universes or even the multiverse. You’ve got Hyperion one-shotting the Hulk, who can channel the energy of two universes and shake infinite dimensions; fighting Thor, who created storms that could shake a tree connecting infinite realities; and killing Namor, who has shown he can contend with the universe shaking Hercules on numerous occasions. And on the opposite end of the spectrum, there’s Power Girl holding her own against Supermen that could fight living universes, endanger two universes, and cause the multiverse to shudder. Or you could point to her fights with Captain Atom, who can casually create and destroy universes, and whose power Karen matched even while she was weakened! Or you could go even further and bring up her repeated showings against Green Lanterns, who have displayed numerous cosmic feats.

Even if we stick with just their direct feats, both have shown that they can fight or take hits from enemies stated to be planet busters. They’ve even shown similar durability feats, with Hyperion surviving an Incursion and emerging unharmed, and Power Girl surviving the erasure of infinite earths or surviving while in range of Darkworld’s universal consciousness as it screamed in pain and faded. With this in mind, their stats are pretty close no matter which end you use, but I’d ultimately give Karen the edge here, if only slightly. Not only are her feats and scaling more consistently displayed, she also has a berserker mode to give her a higher power boost.

Speed’s also a similar case. Going just by their direct feats, Power Girl has regularly shown that she can cross massive distances across the globe multiple times, and most of those examples were happening in a 59 second timeframe while she was multitasking. The closest Hyperion has in terms of those feats are going from Sumatra to Nevada in a minute and reaching the Sonoran Desert from middle America in seconds, but it just doesn’t compare.

Now, they do have similar feats of reaching space in a matter of seconds, but when it comes down to it, Hyperion’s ability to read tics and expressions that last 1/125th of a second and outspeed lightning are a bit outclassed against Power Girl’s ability to fly at half the speed of light and fight so quickly a high-powered camera only registers her as a blur.

But that’s just their direct feats. With scaling, things are a bit more stacked in Power Girl’s favor. If we stick only with finite ends, her ability to blitz Wonder Woman and fight Green Lanterns would put her anywhere from sextillions to duoquadragintillion times the speed of light. That’s 129 zeros! For comparison, scaling Hyperion to Thor would only get him in the quintillion range, or 18 zeros.

That’s an utterly massive speed gap, and with their similar strength and durability, Hyperion doesn’t really have any way of holding out long enough to score a win… unless we scale him and Power Girl to their verses’ infinite/immeasurable feats.

Whether it’s Pre-Crisis Superman breaking the bonds of infinity, Wonder Woman entering the Speed Force through pure speed, or Thor throwing Mjolnir hard enough that it transcends spacetime, there’s some consistency across the board for both to be roughly even. The keyword here being “roughly” because even in this scenario, Power Girl still comes out on top thanks to her upscaling from Jay Garrick, who can adjust his internal vibrations to reach the sixth dimension in “an infinitesimal fraction of a second” and has repeatedly time traveled through sheer speed even in his old age. Plus, her speed has been noted by Zoom, who’s the fastest speedster in DC. If he’s giving you accolades, you’ve got to be pretty damn fast!

So it’s pretty clear that Power Girl has the edge in stats, albeit in an extremely close debate. But what about their powers?

On the surface, you might not think it would change that much. They both absorb sunlight to gain their powers, they can fly, use heat vision, and have super breath. But when you dig a little deeper, there are a few things that noticeably stand out.

For starters, it is true that they share a similar power source in the form of the sun, and this grants them similar benefits, like being functionally immortal and substituting any need for food and oxygen. The thing is, Power Girl’s connection is a bit different. Her connection to the sun explicitly strengthens her around sources of solar energy, which isn’t something that’s been confirmed for Hyperion. All we know is that he gains his powers through solar photons and can survive without sustenance for weeks. Even if we assume that he can get stronger, it still doesn’t help him because Power Girl’s ability to absorb sunlight is insanely versatile.

She can take energy from a blue sun or a white sun to make herself stronger, or she could gain psychic abilities with a violet star. And God help Marcus if she somehow absorbs the energy of a quasar. With that kind of energy running through her system, it would easily be a game over for Hyperion just because of how much insane shit Power Girl could pull off.

And while under most circumstances, a red sun would be the only downside for a Kryptonian, that isn’t really the case here. See, the Kryptonians of Earth-Two weren’t just solar powered like the rest of their counterparts. Their powers are also caused by differences in gravitational pull, which enhances the preexisting superpowers they already had on Krypton. While they can still lose their powers and be weakened by red solar energy, it’s only shown to affect them through close exposure. Plopping Karen onto any planet with a red star isn’t just going to instantly drain all her powers. She’d still have at least some of them to draw on, even if it’s just for a little while.

As for the other abilities, some of it is a bit easier to explain. Their respective heat visions can be used to fire massive blasts or precise beams able to sever parts of the body. While Power Girl can use hers to cut through space, that’s not really useful in this scenario. Their other visions pretty much cancel each other out, though one thing that will keep Hyperion on his toes is Karen’s shifting physiology. With that in play, he probably won’t be able to identify what species she is or any of her physical weaknesses, so she has the edge there.

Aside from that, it’s a toss-up who has the superior sense-based powers. Their x-ray and microscopic visions cancel each other out, but when it comes to electromagnetic spectrum and telescopic visions, Power Girl takes it pretty easily. She can track heat signatures as opposed to just noticing shifts, and while they’ve used their telescopic visions in similar ways, Karen’s easily has the edge when it comes to range. Even her hearing eclipses Hyperion’s in terms of effectiveness and versatility!

And that’s pretty much where their shared abilities end and Power Girl’s advantages begin to shine. While he may share many of the standard Superman powers, there’s one thing Hyperion noticeably doesn’t have that PG does: super breath. Sure, other Hyperions have shown this ability, but not this one. The closest we get is him inhaling a room of poisonous gas, which isn’t going to stack up against ice breath that weakens durability. Karen’s also got the advantage when it comes to more obscure powers, like an AOE attack with the thunderclap, the ability to amp herself with a berserker state, and a possible means of distracting Hyperion with super ventriloquism, at least if Hyperion’s hearing doesn’t let him catch on to her.

But the biggest advantage Power Girl has is her astral punching. While it’s a more recent ability (and from a run that’s been complete shit), it gives her quite a few ways of dealing with Hyperion that he doesn’t really have an answer to. She could enter his mindscape to attack him mentally, something Marcus has never been shown to resist. The closest example we have is when he was up against Big Bally, but that same page explicitly says his hypnosis wasn’t working at the time due to brain damage. Even if Hyperion did actually resist his hypnosis, it wouldn’t really matter since the mental afflictions of astral punching are far removed from something like mind control.

However, the most useful aspect of astral punching here is actually in the physical plane. Since Power Girl can teleport herself and others wherever she wants, she can essentially win the fight in one punch through battlefield removal. Just hit Hyperion once, send him into some alternate dimension, and that’s it. He hasn’t shown the ability to travel to other dimensions on his own, so he’d just be stuck wherever she puts him.

With all this in mind, it begs the question, do any of Hyperion’s powers shine above Power Girl’s? And the answer is yes. There’s one thing Hyperion has above her: his healing factor. Power Girl technically has one of her own thanks to her metabolism, but it’s nothing compared to Hype instantly regenerating his gouged-out eyes. The problem is that’s the only showing of his healing factor, so we have no idea if it’s any more effective than that. For all we know, Power Girl can just easily overpower him without much issue.

And she’s more than capable of doing that, thanks in part to her greater experience. It’s honestly a no-brainer. You’ve got a woman who’s been active for over 45 years in comics fighting a guy whose tenure lasted 4 years and 8 months. While both have spent much of their time going on missions with a ton of superhero teams, Power Girl has an edge over Marc given that she’s received actual combat training, and it’s not like Hyperion’s bringing anything new to the table. She’s had plenty of run-ins with other Kryptonians and come out on top, so it shouldn’t be any different here.

Even if she did need help for whatever reason, she could just ring up Nicco from her earrings and have him scan Hyperion for any weaknesses he has. While it is possible that Hyperion could hear this, given Divine was able to pick up on Nicco’s frequency, he likely wouldn’t be able to effectively counter it. As established above, Power Girl edges him out in stats, meaning she could just blitz Hyperion and apply Nicco’s advice before Marc can try and defend himself.

Hyperion will put up a good fight, but he’ll be left seeing Starrs.

The winner is Power Girl.


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